Submit mammal records

Fox cubs by Christine Cassidy

Mammals are difficult to record because they are rarely seen; we often need to use other clues, such as tracks or scats, to help confirm their presence in an area. They can be a great indicator of the quality of natural habitats and biodiversity within Northern Ireland. However, many threats endanger mammals in the modern world and CEDaR would like to find out what is happening to the populations of our furry friends.  Where do they live?  Are we doing enough to ensure they are healthy?  Have they had to move because we are encroaching on their homes?



Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.

Your details

We will only use your email address if we need to contact you about your record

Date of your sighting and any comment about your survey/sighting
Please provide the spatial reference, site name and habitat type for the record.

Do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.

Please tick all the species you saw and any other information about them.

Determiner: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
SpeciesPresentObservation typeCertaintyDeterminerAbundanceCommentSensitivityPhotos
Hedgehog - Erinaceus europaeus
Add photos
Pygmy Shrew - Sorex minutus
Add photos
Whiskered bat - Myotis mystacinus
Add photos
Natterers bat - Myotis nattereri
Add photos
Daubentons bat - Myotis daubentonii
Add photos
Leislers bat - Nyctalus leisleri
Add photos
Common pipistrelle - Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Add photos
Soprano pipistrelle - Pipistrellus pygmaeus
Add photos
Nathusius pipistrelle - Pipistrellus nathusii
Add photos
Brown long-eared bat - Plecotus auritus
Add photos
Rabbit - Oryctolagus cuniculus
Add photos
Irish Hare - Lepus timidus subsp. hibernicus
Add photos
Brown Hare - Lepus europaeus
Add photos
Grey Squirrel - Sciurus carolinensis
Add photos
Red Squirrel - Sciurus vulgaris
Add photos
Wood Mouse - Apodemus sylvaticus
Add photos
House Mouse - Mus musculus
Add photos
Brown Rat - Rattus norvegicus
Add photos
Fox - Vulpes vulpes
Add photos
Pine Marten - Martes martes
Add photos
Irish Stoat - Mustela erminea subsp. hibernica
Add photos
Mink - Neovison vison
Add photos
Badger - Meles meles
Add photos
Otter - Lutra lutra
Add photos
Grey Seal - Halichoerus grypus
Add photos
Common Seal - Phoca vitulina
Add photos
Red Deer - Cervus elaphus
Add photos
Fallow Deer - Dama dama
Add photos
Sika Deer - Cervus nippon
Add photos
Roe Deer - Capreolus capreolus
Add photos
Muntjac - Muntiacus reevesi
Add photos
Feral Goat - Capra hircus
Add photos
Common Lizard - Zootoca vivipara
Add photos
Common Frog - Rana temporaria
Add photos
Smooth Newt - Lissotriton vulgaris
Add photos

Big Spawn Count

Big Spawn Count - Waterbody Survey recording form

 Christine Cassidy

The Big Spawn Count project is into its second year in Northern Ireland! This project is part of a larger national project which involves you going out to your local or garden waterbody (e.g. pond) and looking for frog spawn!


Picture showing clumps of spawn


You can download a Big Spawn Count Waterbody Survey recording form here (PDF). Take it with you on your survey to help you record everything you find.

Please enter your waterbody survey results below, including as much detail as possible.


Details of what you saw during your waterbody survey

Tick this box if this is a record that the species was not found.

Details about the frog spawn (if you saw any)
Details about your waterbody
What is the habitat around your waterbody and is there other wildlfe present
Details of recorder or parent/guardian/teacher if the recorder is under 18 (please note: your contact details will be used for record verification purposes only).
If your waterbody survey is part of a school project then please provide the following details
Date of waterbody survey
Please provide the spatial reference and site name for the record.

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the grid reference.


For example the nearest town, village, park, nature reserve etc.
Do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.

Submit records for Causeway Coast AONB

Causeway Coast AONB, part of the Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust

The Causeway Coast AONB covers 4,200ha of land and extends along 18 miles (29km) of spectacular, rugged and dramatic coastline between Portrush and Ballycastle.


Visit the Causeway Coast AONB website to find out more about the region. If you wish to submit records for the area, please use the form below.



Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.


If you've got lots of records to submit, then we recommend breaking the records up into several batches as it is very easy to accidentally click the back button on the browser and lose the data entered so far.

Please enter the species you saw and any other information about them.

The Species field will autocomplete as you type.
Tip: add an asterisk (*) before the species name if you want to search for part of the name e.g. *porpoise will return both common and harbour porpoise. If you can't find the species using the common name, try using the scientific name. Click on the species you want to choose.)

Determiner: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
Select a species first




Please provide the spatial reference of the record

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the grid reference.


For example the nearest town, village, park, nature reserve etc.
Please do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.

Please provide a date for your sighting(s)
Please provide your contact details (note: this information will be used for record verification purposes).
Any additional recorder(s).
Any additional comments.

Submit records for Binevenagh AONB

Binevenagh AONB, part of the Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust

The Binevenagh AONB covers 16,594ha of land and represents a landscape on the edge, a frontier located in the far north-west of the island of Ireland, a place literally looked up to from all sides.


Visit the Binevenagh AONB website to find out more about the region. If you wish to submit records for the area, please use the form below.



Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.


If you've got lots of records to submit, then we recommend breaking the records up into several batches as it is very easy to accidentally click the back button on the browser and lose the data entered so far.

Please enter the species you saw and any other information about them.

The Species field will autocomplete as you type.
Tip: add an asterisk (*) before the species name if you want to search for part of the name e.g. *porpoise will return both common and harbour porpoise. If you can't find the species using the common name, try using the scientific name. Click on the species you want to choose.)

Determiner: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
Select a species first




Please provide the spatial reference of the record

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the grid reference.


For example the nearest town, village, park, nature reserve etc.
Please do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.

Please provide a date for your sighting(s)
Please provide your contact details (note: this information will be used for record verification purposes).
Any additional recorder(s).
Any additional comments.

Submit records for Antrim Coast & Glens AONB

Antrim Coast & Glens AONB, part of the Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust

The Antrim Coast & Glens AONB covers 72,489ha of land and contains some of the most beautiful and varied scenery in Northern Ireland, including Rathlin Island, the Glens of Antrim and the coastal area between Larne and Ballycastle.


Visit the Antrim Coast & Glens AONB website to find out more.


Antrim Coast & Glens AONB      

Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.


If you've got lots of records to submit, then we recommend breaking the records up into several batches as it is very easy to accidentally click the back button on the browser and lose the data entered so far.

Please enter the species you saw and any other information about them.

The Species field will autocomplete as you type.
Tip: add an asterisk (*) before the species name if you want to search for part of the name e.g. *porpoise will return both common and harbour porpoise. If you can't find the species using the common name, try using the scientific name. Click on the species you want to choose.)

Determiner: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
Select a species first




Please provide the spatial reference of the record

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the grid reference.


For example the nearest town, village, park, nature reserve etc.
Please do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.

Please provide a date for your sighting(s)
Please provide your contact details (note: this information will be used for record verification purposes).
Any additional recorder(s).
Any additional comments.

Submit records for the Belfast Hills Partnership

About the Belfast Hills Partnership

The Belfast Hills Partnership (BHP) is an independent charity which seeks to improve how the hills are managed. They will do this by working with all their partners including local councils, government departments, community groups, nature conservation organisations and businesses committed to caring for the Belfast hills and their people.


The Belfast Hills Partnership acts for all sides and interests in the hills. They bring together statutory bodies with a role to play in the Hills, including the four councils of Belfast, Lisburn, Newtownabbey and Antrim. These are joined by people from farming, the settlements, commercial enterprises and the recreation and environmental sectors.


All these groups have pledged to work together to solve problems and forge new initiatives to benefit the Hills. You can find out more on the Belfast Hills website.


Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.

If you've got lots of records to submit, then we recommend breaking the records up into several batches as it is very easy to accidentally click the back button on the browser and lose the data entered so far.

Please enter the species you saw and any other information about them.

The Species field will autocomplete as you type.
Tip: add an asterisk (*) before the species name if you want to search for part of the name e.g. *porpoise will return both common and harbour porpoise. If you can't find the species using the common name, try using the scientific name. Click on the species you want to choose.)

Determiner: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
Select a species first




Please provide the spatial reference of the record

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the grid reference.


For example the nearest town, village, park, nature reserve etc.
Please do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.

Please provide a date for your sighting(s)
Please provide your contact details (note: this information will be used for record verification purposes).
Your contact details
Any additional recorder(s).
Any additional comments.

Submit Dragonfly and Damselfly records

Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.


Use this page to enter records of dragonflies and damselflies for a single location.


Please tick all the species you saw and any other information about them.

Please note: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
{content} Select a species first
Aeshna grandis - Brown Hawker Add photos
Aeshna juncea - Common Hawker Add photos
Aeshna mixta - Migrant Hawker Add photos
Anax ephippiger - Vagrant Emperor Add photos
Anax imperator - Emperor Dragonfly Add photos
Anax parthenope - Lesser Emperor Add photos
Brachytron pratense - Hairy Dragonfly Add photos
Calopteryx splendens - Banded Demoiselle Add photos
Calopteryx virgo - Beautiful Demoiselle Add photos
Coenagrion lunulatum - Irish Damselfly Add photos
Coenagrion puella - Azure Damselfly Add photos
Coenagrion pulchellum - Variable Damselfly Add photos
Cordulegaster boltonii - Golden-ringed Dragonfly Add photos
Cordulia aenea - Downy Emerald Add photos
Enallagma cyathigerum - Common Blue Damselfly Add photos
Ischnura elegans - Blue-tailed Damselfly Add photos
Ischnura pumilio - Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly Add photos
Lestes dryas - Scarce Emerald Damselfly Add photos
Lestes sponsa - Emerald Damselfly Add photos
Libellula quadrimaculata - Four-spotted Chaser Add photos
Orthetrum cancellatum - Black-tailed Skimmer Add photos
Orthetrum coerulescens - Keeled Skimmer Add photos
Pyrrhosoma nymphula - Large Red Damselfly Add photos
Somatochlora arctica - Northern Emerald Add photos
Sympetrum danae - Black Darter Add photos
Sympetrum flaveolum - Yellow-winged Darter Add photos
Sympetrum fonscolombii - Red-veined Darter Add photos
Sympetrum sanguineum - Ruddy Darter Add photos
Sympetrum striolatum - Common Darter Add photos


Your details (please note: this information will be used for record verification purposes only by NIEA and CEDaR staff).
Your contact details
Any additional recorder(s) names.
Date of your sighting.
Please provide the spatial reference and site name for the record.

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the grid reference.


For example the nearest town, village, park, nature reserve etc.
Do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.

Submit Shieldbug records

Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.


Use this page to enter records of shieldbugs for a single location.


Please tick all the species you saw and any other information about them.

Please note: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
{content} Select a species first
Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale - Hawthorn Shieldbug Add photos
Coreus marginatus - Dock Bug Add photos
Cyphostethus tristriatus - Juniper Shieldbug Add photos
Dolycoris baccarum - Hairy Shieldbug Add photos
Elasmostethus interstinctus - Birch Shieldbug Add photos
Elasmucha grisea - Parent Bug Add photos
Eurygaster testudinaria - Tortoise Bug Add photos
Palomena prasina - Green Shieldbug Add photos
Pentatoma rufipes - Red-legged Shieldbug Add photos
Picromerus bidens - Spiked Shieldbug Add photos
Piezodorus lituratus - Gorse Shieldbug Add photos
Rhacognathus punctatus - Heather Shieldbug Add photos
Sehirus luctuosus - Forget-me-not Shieldbug Add photos
Thyreocoris scarabaeoides - Scarab Shieldbug Add photos
Troilus luridus - Bronze Shieldbug Add photos
Zicrona caerulea - Blue Shieldbug Add photos


Your details (please note: this information will be used for record verification purposes only by NIEA and CEDaR staff).
Your contact details
Any additional recorder(s) names.
Date of your sighting.
Please provide the spatial reference and site name for the record.

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the grid reference.


For example the nearest town, village, park, nature reserve etc.
Please do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.

Submit Butterfly records

Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.


Please tick all the species you saw and any other information about them.

Please note: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
{content} Select a species first
SpeciesPresentAbundanceDeterminerStage (Butterfly)CertaintyCommentPhotos
Aglais io - Peacock Add photos
Aglais urticae - Small Tortoiseshell Add photos
Anthocharis cardamines - Orange-tip Add photos
Aphantopus hyperantus - Ringlet Add photos
Argynnis paphia - Silver-washed Fritillary Add photos
Boloria euphrosyne - Pearl-bordered Fritillary Add photos
Callophrys rubi - Green Hairstreak Add photos
Celastrina argiolus - Holly Blue Add photos
Coenonympha pamphilus - Small Heath Add photos
Coenonympha tullia - Large Heath Add photos
Colias croceus - Clouded Yellow Add photos
Cupido minimus - Small Blue Add photos
Erynnis tages - Dingy Skipper Add photos
Euphydryas aurinia - Marsh Fritillary Add photos
Favonius quercus - Purple Hairstreak Add photos
Gonepteryx rhamni - Brimstone Add photos
Hipparchia semele - Grayling Add photos
Lasiommata megera - Wall Add photos
Leptidea juvernica - Cryptic Wood White Add photos
Leptidea sinapis - Wood White Add photos
Lycaena phlaeas - Small Copper Add photos
Maniola jurtina - Meadow Brown Add photos
Pararge aegeria - Speckled Wood Add photos
Pieris brassicae - Large White Add photos
Pieris napi - Green-veined White Add photos
Pieris rapae - Small White Add photos
Polygonia c-album - Comma Add photos
Polyommatus icarus - Common Blue Add photos
Pyronia tithonus - Gatekeeper Add photos
Thecla betulae - Brown Hairstreak Add photos
Thymelicus lineola - Essex Skipper Add photos
Thymelicus sylvestris - Small Skipper Add photos
Vanessa atalanta - Red Admiral Add photos
Vanessa cardui - Painted Lady Add photos


Your details (please note: this information will be used for record verification purposes only by NIEA and CEDaR staff).
Your contact details
Any additional recorder(s) names.
Date of your sighting.
Please provide the spatial reference of the record

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the grid reference.


For example the nearest town, village, park, nature reserve etc.
Please do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.

Submit garden moth trap records

Use this page to enter records of moths caught in a garden moth trap.

This form includes automatic blurring of the spatial reference and site name of the record. This feature is enabled on this form because many people trap in their gardens and when the record is added to the system those details appear in public reports.


Previously, to prevent this happening, the recorder had to mark each species as sensitive (this was not ideal!). Using this form allows you to enter the full details about your records in the knowledge that your home address will not appear in the Explore > All Records reports.


The full information will still be available to CEDaR and verifiers but the public records reports will no longer include the site name and grid reference while the dot on the map will be blurred to 1km.



Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.


Your details (please note: this information will be used for record verification purposes only by NIEA and CEDaR staff).
Your contact details
Sample Method
Any additional recorder(s) names.
Date of your sighting.


Please add all the species you saw and any other information about them. The species box will auto-complete as you type.

Please note: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
{content} Select a species first
SpeciesAbundanceDeterminerStage (Moth)CertaintyPhotos


Please provide the spatial reference and site name for the record.

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill.


The information you enter will not be included in public reports and the spatial reference will be blurred to 1km. This is to prevent postal addresses appearing in public reports.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.