Submit Butterfly records

Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.


Please tick all the species you saw and any other information about them.

Please note: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
{content} Select a species first
SpeciesPresentAbundanceDeterminerStage (Butterfly)CertaintyCommentPhotos
Aglais io - Peacock Add photos
Aglais urticae - Small Tortoiseshell Add photos
Anthocharis cardamines - Orange-tip Add photos
Aphantopus hyperantus - Ringlet Add photos
Argynnis paphia - Silver-washed Fritillary Add photos
Boloria euphrosyne - Pearl-bordered Fritillary Add photos
Callophrys rubi - Green Hairstreak Add photos
Celastrina argiolus - Holly Blue Add photos
Coenonympha pamphilus - Small Heath Add photos
Coenonympha tullia - Large Heath Add photos
Colias croceus - Clouded Yellow Add photos
Cupido minimus - Small Blue Add photos
Erynnis tages - Dingy Skipper Add photos
Euphydryas aurinia - Marsh Fritillary Add photos
Favonius quercus - Purple Hairstreak Add photos
Gonepteryx rhamni - Brimstone Add photos
Hipparchia semele - Grayling Add photos
Lasiommata megera - Wall Add photos
Leptidea juvernica - Cryptic Wood White Add photos
Leptidea sinapis - Wood White Add photos
Lycaena phlaeas - Small Copper Add photos
Maniola jurtina - Meadow Brown Add photos
Pararge aegeria - Speckled Wood Add photos
Pieris brassicae - Large White Add photos
Pieris napi - Green-veined White Add photos
Pieris rapae - Small White Add photos
Polygonia c-album - Comma Add photos
Polyommatus icarus - Common Blue Add photos
Pyronia tithonus - Gatekeeper Add photos
Thecla betulae - Brown Hairstreak Add photos
Thymelicus lineola - Essex Skipper Add photos
Thymelicus sylvestris - Small Skipper Add photos
Vanessa atalanta - Red Admiral Add photos
Vanessa cardui - Painted Lady Add photos


Your details (please note: this information will be used for record verification purposes only by NIEA and CEDaR staff).
Your contact details
Any additional recorder(s) names.
Date of your sighting.
Please provide the spatial reference of the record

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the grid reference.


For example the nearest town, village, park, nature reserve etc.
Please do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.