The Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum (NISF) was established to bring together statutory and non-statutory organisations as well as representatives of country parks, private landowners and local volunteer organisations dedicated to protecting the red squirrel in Northern Ireland. The NISF provides an opportunity for the members of the group to feedback details of news, exchange ideas, new research findings, best practice on how to help conserve red and control grey squirrels.
Sick looking squirrels
If you spot a red squirrel which looks ill, especially if it shows signs of Squirrel pox (see the NISF website for symptoms) please email Squirrels [at] (subject: Message%20via%20online%20recording%20form) (Squirrels[at]daera-ni[dot]gov[dot]uk) . We would appreciate if you can forward any photos of the sick animals to this address also, thank you.
More information can be found on the NISF web page including links to local Squirrel Groups in your area.
Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.
This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.