If you have any queries please email cedar.records [at] nationalmuseumsni.org (cedar[dot]records[at]nationalmuseumsni[dot]org)
Please use this website to submit wildlife records for Northern Ireland, both native and non-native species. You can upload an image with your record if one is available and this will help with the verification process that each record goes through.
Most of the recording forms have the functionality to allow you to mark your records as sensitive. This means that when your record is displayed publically, the spatial reference will be blurred to a resolution of your choice. This action can be taken to protect, for example, mammal homes, such as a badger sett, bird of prey nests and private property, or bat roosts. It is important that you provide the most accurate spatial reference as possible for a record while this functionality ensures species are protected and privacy is maintained. Please use your own discretion in deciding upon the sensitivity of your records.
If you intend to use this site regularly, it is recommended that you register with the site. This will mean that you do not need to add your details each time you submit a record and you will have access to some of the reporting tools available for viewing and editing your records.
Records submitted to CEDaR Online Recording will be held and managed in the wider iRecord system and verified by local or national experts before being exported and added to CEDaR’s main databases, and published on the NBN Atlas.
This site does not display CEDaR’s total data holdings, but purely the records entered via this online system (since its launch in 2012). If you require access to complete data sets, please contact CEDaR (Email: cedar.records [at] nationalmuseumsni.org (cedar[dot]records[at]nationalmuseumsni[dot]org)) or use the Information Request Service, see: https://www.nmni.com/CEDaR/CEDaR-Information-service.aspx
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more detailed information on how your data is collected, stored and used, see: https://www.nmni.com/CEDaR/CEDaR-aim-and-objectives.aspx
All records added to this site will be added to the CEDaR Recorder 6 database after they have been verified and will then be shared with relevant partners and uploaded to NBN Atlas.
Photo acknowledgements: Red Cushion Star - Bernard Picton; Barn Owl - Nigel Moore; Pine Marten - Mark Hamblin; Fox - Jon Pauling; Hedgehog - Kevin Keatley; Small Tortoiseshell, Wood Tiger, Common Darter, Foxes, Rabbit, Squirrel, Frog close up - Christine Cassidy; Frog - Fiona McCrory; Cream-spot Ladybird, Gorse Shieldbug - Roy Anderson; Cuckoo - Anthony McGeehan; Earthworm - OPAL; Grasshopper - Brian Nelson; Otter - Foto Ardeidas 2013; Stoat - Carrie Crowley