Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Lower Doaghs, Lough Foyle.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19841007/21 Date: 1984-10-07 GPS: 55.18300,-6.95900. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The broad sand flats are covered in wave ripples. Surface features include: (i) wide shallow areas of surface water (ii) small timber stumps (widely spaced but arranged in lines running parallel to the shore) sticking out of the sand on the lower shore (iii) boulders at the boundaries of the promontory and a group on the sand (iv) clods of earth on the sand near high tide level (v) a freshwater seepage under the promontory. Small amounts of Zostera spp. And Ulva spp. (originally recorded as Enteromorpha spp.) grew on the sand flats with much more Zostera present as drift and a large amount of drift algae was present, especially in the surface water areas. The stumps and boulders had their own algal population. The wooden piles had Ulva intestinalis (orginally recorded as Enteromorpha intestinalis), Pylaiella littoralis, Monostroma sp. and Audouinella turf. The small boulders at the base of the reclaimed land were covered by a thick growth of Ulva (originally recorded as Enteromorpha) at high tide level. The group of boulders in close proximity to the promontory supported a heavy growth of Fucus ceranoides. other species were Pylaiella littoralis, Ulva lactuca, Monostroma sp., (Ulva sp. (orginally recorded as Enteromorpha sp.), Balanus sp. and Littorina littorea. Carcinus maenas and nereids lived beneath boulders. Mussel mats were present as drift on the sand surface. Many dead shells found on the strandline. Zostera sp. formed most of the strand line. there were many waders seen. Arenicola casts had a density of 6-7 per sq. metre on the lower shore and were exploited for bait digging.

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Species list (38 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Nephtys hombergii Capitella sp. Bathyporeia pelagica Littorina (Littorina) littorea Rhodothamniella floridula Enteromorpha compressa
NEMERTEA sp. Aricidea (Aricidea) minuta Arenicola marina Bathyporeia pilosa Hydrobia ulvae CHROMOPHYTA Enteromorpha intestinalis
ANNELIDA Paraonis fulgens OLIGOCHAETA sp. Gammarus locusta Mytilus edulis Pylaiella littoralis Ulva fasciata
Eteone longa Spionidae sp. CRUSTACEA Cumopsis goodsiri Cerastoderma edule Fucus serratus
Anaitides maculata Pygospio elegans Semibalanus balanoides Crangon crangon Macoma balthica CHLOROPHYTA
Hediste diversicolor Scolelepis (Scolelepis) mesnili Pontocrates sp. Carcinus maenas RHODOPHYTA Monostroma sp.
Nereis sp. Spio filicornis Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana MOLLUSCA Porphyra insolita Enteromorpha sp.

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