Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Quarterland Bay, Strangford Lough.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19860623/23 Date: 1986-06-23 GPS: 54.45300,-5.64800. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: This is an almost completely enclosed area composed of Ascophyllum dominated boulders round the edges of the bay with soft liquid mud revealed in the floor of the bay at low tide. Only polychaetes could be found in the mud. Cockles, Arenicola and Macoma lived only at the narrow interface between boulders and mud. 10 Eckman grabs were taken within the indicated area. There is an interesting inlet to the west of the bay which discharges through a pipe under the road forming an intermittent 'tidal rapids' at low tide.

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Species list (21 species recorded)

NEMATODA Anaitides maculata Pygospio elegans Melinna palmata CRUSTACEA MOLLUSCA CHROMOPHYTA
NEMATODA sp. Glycera tridactyla Cirratulus cirratus Fabricia sabella MYSIDACEA sp. Cerastoderma edule Ascophyllum nodosum
ANNELIDA Nephtys hombergii Capitellidae sp. Manayunkia aestuarina Corophium volutator Macoma balthica
Eteone sp. Polydora ciliata Arenicola marina OLIGOCHAETA sp. CUMACEA sp. Mya arenaria

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