Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Taggart Island Quay, Strangford Lough.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19860623/24 Date: 1986-06-23 GPS: 54.42100,-5.64200. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: A muddy bay situated between Taggart Island and the mainland on the western side of Strangford Lough. The sediment is glutinous mud with some boulder areas extending into the bay. There as Ascophyllum dominated. Muddy sand occurs near the boulders and has many Arenicola casts 20 per sq. metre. Nephtys and nemertines are common in the mud. The nature of the sediment did not allow normal methods to be used. Ten random grabs (0.01 sq. metre each) were taken from the lower 2/3 of the littoral at high tide, using an Eckman grab from a boat. The mud was later sieved through a 1mm sieve to retain fauna for identification. This will not obtain a complete species list but representative common fauna characteristic of benthic communities present.

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Species list (30 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Anaitides sp. Ophryotrocha puerilis Mediomastus fragilis Apherusa jurinei Idotea sp.
NEMERTEA sp. Eumida sanguinea Polydora ciliata Arenicola marina Stenothoe monoculoides Crangon crangon
NEMATODA Exogone hebes Pygospio elegans Melinna palmata Ampelisca brevicornis MOLLUSCA
NEMATODA sp. Sphaerosyllis sp. Cirratulus cirratus Fabricia sabella Microprotopus maculatus Mya sp.
ANNELIDA Nereis sp. Cirriformia tentaculata OLIGOCHAETA sp. Corophium bonnellii CHROMOPHYTA
Eteone longa Nephtys hombergii Capitella sp. CRUSTACEA Corophium volutator Ascophyllum nodosum

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