Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Robin's Rock (sand), Outer Ards.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19860509/22 Date: 1986-05-09 GPS: 54.47383,-5.44000. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The location is a small sandy bay enclosed by sandstone platforms towards low water. The platforms have boulder filled gulleys between them through which water flows at flood tides. Three heights have been taken to cover the sedimentary intertidal as the two lower shore stations are situated on the platforms. The shore is backed by a car park and grassland with a small freshwater stream flowing on the shore. Although this does not affect the transect. The sandy areas near the platforms have an abundance of Arenicola and many algal covered boulders. Pools occur with many Lanice in the bottom, and Cerastoderma on the sand surface. The sand is rippled and tends to trap water. The ripples become flatter towards the upper shore. The lower shore has much shell gravel below the medium sand which becomes less up the shore and is deposited by gravel (stone) towards the upper shore. Organic detritus is more common within the sediment towards the platforms, and is probably a result of the algae on boulders and platforms.

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Species list (25 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Eteone longa Aricidea (Aricidea) minuta Arenicola marina Bathyporeia pilosa Mysella bidentata CHLOROPHYTA
NEMERTEA sp. Anaitides maculata Malacoceros fuliginosus Lanice conchilega Corophium arenarium Cerastoderma edule Enteromorpha sp.
NEMATODA Hediste diversicolor Pygospio elegans OLIGOCHAETA sp. Carcinus maenas Macoma balthica
NEMATODA sp. Nephtys hombergii Spio filicornis CRUSTACEA MOLLUSCA CHROMOPHYTA
ANNELIDA Ophryotrocha sp. Capitella sp. Apherusa jurinei Mytilus edulis Ascophyllum nodosum

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