Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Whitechurch, Outer Ards.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19860509/21 Date: 1986-05-09 GPS: 54.55583,-5.47600. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: A fairly wide sandy beach between scattered rock outcrops, mostly composed of fine and medium sand. One of the offshore rock ridge platforms is a seal haul out. The lower shore supports large numbers of Lanice (greater than 100 per sq. metre), and there are about 30 Arenicola casts per sq. metre throughout the intertidal. The sediment contains shell gravel on the lower shore and is hard packed on the upper part of the transect.

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Species list (30 species recorded)

ANNELIDA Nephtys hombergii Capitellidae sp. CRUSTACEA Bathyporeia pelagica Eurydice pulchra MOLLUSCA
Eteone longa Spionidae sp. Capitella capitata Urothoe brevicornis Bathyporeia pilosa Cumopsis goodsiri Lucinoma borealis
Anaitides maculata Malacoceros fuliginosus Arenicola marina Urothoe elegans Gammarus locusta Crangon crangon Cerastoderma edule
Nereis pelagica Pygospio elegans Euclymene oerstedii Ampelisca brevicornis Corophium arenarium Pagurus bernhardus
Nephtys caeca Spio filicornis Lanice conchilega Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana Corophium crassicorne Carcinus maenas

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