Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Stinker Rock Beach, SE Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19850521/21 Date: 1985-05-21 GPS: 54.24300,-5.77000. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The location is a linear beach situated on the open coast between two rock outcrops at either end. The beach is large extending about 1.5 km and having an intertidal extent of several hundred metres, with a very gentle slope. A rock outcrop occurs approximately halfway along the beach towards the lower shore. This had fucoids, patellobarnacle community and many littorinids and Nucella. The transect site was situated beside the rock outcrop in the middle of the beach. The lower shore consists of damp fine sand with some medium sand. Some detritus occurs in the sediment, and becomes commoner towards the rock outcrop. Arenicola casts and Lanice tubes have a density of 203 per sq. metre. No surface water occurs in the lower shore except near the rock outcrops in depressions. The middle shore (zones 2-3) has more medium and shelly sand with the water table being nearer the surface. The top of the sand in this area is wetter with some surface water occurring. Arenicola became more common (zone 3 = 3 per sq. metre; zone 2 = 7-10 per sq. metre). Towards the upper shore (zone 1) a layer of shell sand/gravel becomes apparent 10 cm below the surface, although the sand on the surface is still fine and medium. The surface of the sand is wet and Arenicola casts are 12-13 per sq. metre. The extreme top of the shore is steep and dry with a thin strandline. Just below this, the shore becomes flatter and wetter from a single line in a shallow depression. This may be where the water table surfaces. Terns were seen on the outcrops, but no nests observed. The shore is used for recreation and is patrolled by Army Land Rovers due to the proximity of the Firing Range at Ballykinler. The backing of the shore is arable farm land.

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Species list (28 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Harmothoe sp. Orbinia (Orbinia) latreillii Arenicola marina Bathyporeia elegans Cumopsis goodsiri Littorina sp.
NEMERTEA sp. Sigalion mathildae Scolelepis (Scolelepis) mesnili Lanice conchilega Bathyporeia pelagica Crangon crangon Nucella lapillus
SIPUNCULA Eteone longa Spio filicornis OLIGOCHAETA sp. Bathyporeia pilosa Carcinus maenas Donax vittatus
Sipunculidae sp. Phyllodoce laminosa Spiophanes bombyx CRUSTACEA Gammarus sp. MOLLUSCA
ANNELIDA Nephtys caeca Magelona mirabilis Paramysis arenosa Eurydice pulchra Patella (Patella) vulgata

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