Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Killough Harbour (outer), SE Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19850524/21 Date: 1985-05-24 GPS: 54.25600,-5.63900. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The transect site is mainly sedimentary in nature, with scattered boulders. To the north of the site is an area dominated by boulders. The lower part of the transect site, where it borders the channel, is mud. The middle and widest section of the transect is dominated by muddy sand and gravel, with occasional lumps of clay. Scattered boulders appear along this section. The upper shore is composed of a thin layer of mud on top of gravel and pebbles. The shore top is composed of small boulders and stones. The small boulders and stones of the shore top are dominated by Pelvetia, Fucus spiralis and green algae (including Prasiola with amphipods and littorinids under the stones. The scattered boulders on the surface of the sediment are covered by Fucus vesiculosus, with some Ascophyllum, as are the boulders to the north of the site. A species search was made among the boulders on the transect, the boulder outcrop to the north, and the boulders and stones at high water. Arenicola casts (about 30 per sq. metre) occurred throughout the length of the transect, and Lanice lived on the middle and lower shore. Cockles were also present. Green algal and brown filamentous algal mats covered the sedimentary intertidal to a large extent. Nephtys and amphipods were found at all levels.

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Species list (68 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Cirratulus cirratus Elminius modestus Jaera sp. Macoma balthica CHROMOPHYTA Monostroma grevillei
Micrura sp. Capitella capitata Semibalanus balanoides Crangon crangon Scrobicularia plana Ectocarpus siliculosus Ulothrix flacca
ANNELIDA Heteromastus filiformis Calliopius laeviusculus Carcinus maenas PISCES Pylaiella littoralis Ulothrix subflaccida
Anaitides maculata Arenicola marina Hyale prevostii MOLLUSCA Limanda limanda Elachista fucicola Ulothrix palusalsa
Nereis pelagica Ophelia sp. Ampelisca brevicornis Testudinalia testudinalis RHODOPHYTA Sphacelaria sp. Blidingia marginata
Nephtys hombergii Polyphysia crassa Bathyporeia pelagica Patella (Patella) ulyssiponensis Porphyra amethystea Ascophyllum nodosum Enteromorpha sp.
Malacoceros fuliginosus Melinna cristata Echinogammarus sp. Patella (Patella) vulgata Porphyra insolita Fucus spiralis Enteromorpha compressa
Pygospio elegans Lanice conchilega Gammarus sp. Littorina (Littorina) littorea Rhodochorton purpureum Fucus vesiculosus Enteromorpha prolifera
Scolelepis sp. Fabricia sabella Gammarus locusta Littorina (Neritrema) mariae Hildenbrandia rubra Pelvetia canaliculata Ulva fasciata
Spio filicornis OLIGOCHAETA sp. Corophium arenarium Littorina (Neritrema) obtusata Phymatolithon lenormandii CHLOROPHYTA Rhizoclonium riparium
Spiophanes bombyx CRUSTACEA Corophium volutator Cerastoderma edule Polysiphonia lanosa Prasiola stipitata

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