Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

South of Nicholson's Point, SE Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19851016/21 Date: 1985-10-16 GPS: 54.03483,-6.03383. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The site is situated on a linear beach which has intermittent areas of boulders on the sand. The beach is stepped in profile with the lower and upper shores being quite steep, but flattening in the mid shore. The lower and mid shores have a layer of medium sand on top of coarse sand, whereas the steep upper shore has coarse sand granules and pebbles and is well drained. The mid shore has much wet sand which tends to run off over the lower shore and may be affected by a freshwater inflow just north of the transect site. Arenicola casts occur throughout the sandy area, but are commoner in the lower shore. The occasional boulder at low water has attached Laminaria, but is generally covered with sand showing that it is fairly mobile. The shore is backed by a shingle layer with strand, behind which are banks with farmland on top. The soil is fairly sandy and may be cultivated dunes.

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Species list (31 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Mysta picta Spio filicornis OLIGOCHAETA sp. Atylus swammerdamei Idotea granulosa
NEMERTEA sp. Anaitides groenlandica Spiophanes bombyx CRUSTACEA Bathyporeia sp. Crangon crangon
NEMATODA Hediste diversicolor Magelona mirabilis Pontocrates altamarinus Bathyporeia elegans MOLLUSCA
NEMATODA sp. Nephtys caeca Capitellidae sp. Pontocrates arenarius Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana Mytilus edulis
ANNELIDA Nephtys hombergii Capitomastus minimus Urothoe brevicornis Haustorius arenarius Spisula solida
Eteone longa Scolelepis (Scolelepis) mesnili Arenicola marina Urothoe elegans Idotea sp. Mya arenaria

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