Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Mid Island Bay, Strangford Lough.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19860530/21 Date: 1986-05-30 GPS: 54.45600,-5.54900. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The distance of the intertidal was very extensive, and due to tide and limitations of the tide, the transect was paced to measure the five sampling heights. Each pace was assumed to be approximately one metre and the shore assumed to be a constant slope. The shore was situated in a very sheltered bay, and consisted of mixed sediment areas of fine, muddy sand and mud. Ascophyllum dominated platforms were dispersed in the bay. The sedimentary shore had many Arenicola throughout and many Lanice towards the lower shore. The sediment throughout the transect was generally mud in the lower shore, muddy sand in the middle with fine sand towards the upper shore. Small convolutions in the extreme upper shore formed small bays of mud and muddy sand with salt marsh backing. Many hydrobiids and much Zostera and Ulva (originally recorded as Enteromorpha) on the surface. This gives an indication of a possible bird feeding area of some importance. Much of the bay is backed by a shingle upper shore.

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Species list (35 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Eumida sanguinea Cirratulus cirratus CRUSTACEA Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana MOLLUSCA Ophiura ophiura
NEMERTEA sp. Glycera tridactyla Notomastus latericeus Neomysis integer Gammarus locusta Hydrobia ulvae CHROMOPHYTA
ANNELIDA Hediste diversicolor Arenicola marina Apherusa bispinosa Amphithoe sp. Cerastoderma edule Chorda filum
Sigalion mathildae Nephtys hombergii Euclymene sp. Apherusa jurinei Corophium crassicorne Macoma balthica Ascophyllum nodosum
Eteone longa Spio filicornis Scalibregma inflatum Perioculodes longimanus Idotea sp. Abra nitida CHLOROPHYTA
Anaitides maculata Spiophanes bombyx Lanice conchilega Ampelisca brevicornis Crangon crangon ECHINODERMATA Enteromorpha sp.

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