Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Mill Bay, Carlingford Lough.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19860529/24 Date: 1986-05-29 GPS: 54.05100,-6.10900. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: Most of the area is composed of muddy sand, with sand becoming cleaner towards low water, and muddier towards high water. There are also large gravel areas around the entry points of the two main freshwater inflows - Cassy Water and White Water, which are used for gravel extraction. The gravel terraces in the case of the former area are of National Importance (R. Bleakley, pers. comm.). The inner part of the bay is composed of mud around Carriganean. An unusual occurrence for this wide sedimentary area, which may be observed by walking from site A to site D, is the presence of a clear fairly dense fucoid zonation, from Pelvetia at high water to Fucus serratus at low water, growing on boulders protruding above the flats. River channels on the sand are rich in mysids and flatfish. Bird life is important. Five sedimentary sampling sites were visited. Five quadrats were taken at each site.

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