Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Whitepark Bay, North Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19850407/21 Date: 1985-04-07 GPS: 55.23283,-6.39500. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The location is in a large bay with moderate limestone cliffs backing it. The bay has been filled in with sand dunes which have extensive grasslands on them and are owned by the National Trust. Igneous headlands occur at either end of the bay. The beach itself is almost linear and very exposed to high energy wave action, which causes the sand to be highly mobile even on a calm day. There is a stream flowing onshore towards the western end, which has an obvious freshwater influence and an extensive boulder area occurs towards the eastern end. These boulders have little flora and fauna, only Porphyra and Ulva (originally recorded as Enteromorpha), and appear rather sand scoured. The shore profile is shallow steps which are formed by the waves, but this was observed to change with the rising tide, generally with the steps becoming higher. The sand was well packed and mostly fine and medium, although some coarse sand occurred towards low water. No wet areas or animal casts etc. were seen although some damp areas which were a result of water table seepage occurred. One such was situated about 10 m from the transect site. The interstitial salinity in this area was 18 parts per thousand, but normal in the transect site. The strandline was for the most part buried and a few pebbles were cast up. These were more numerous towards the boulders.

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Species list (6 species recorded)

OLIGOCHAETA sp. Bathyporeia pelagica Eurydice pulchra Porphyra sp. Enteromorpha sp.

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