Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Granagh Bay (sediment), Strangford Lough.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19860606/21 Date: 1986-06-06 GPS: 54.36000,-5.53400. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The shore is a highly diverse complex of sediments between rock outcrops and boulders. The transect site was taken along a relatively clear tract of sediment which transgressed several sediment types down the shore. The shore is very sheltered and appears important for both birds and as a seal haul out. The shore is backed by farmland, with a shingle upper shore. generally the transect was taken down an area between outcrops and has many Ascophyllum covered boulders. The lower shore was mud and very muddy sand; the middle shore muddy sand; and upper shore fine sand with gravel beneath, but quite near the surface. The surface of the sediment was covered with green algae and brown filaments which bound into the sand. The latter became dominant on the lower shore. The upper shore had a dominance of Ulva (originally recorded as Enteromorpha). Many Arenicola occurred throughout the transect which formed mounds, with water collecting in the troughs between. Lanice were common towards the lower shore.

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Species list (64 species recorded)

CNIDARIA Nephtys cirrosa Capitella sp. OSTRACODA sp. Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana Littorina (Neritrema) mariae PHORONIDA
ANTHOZOA sp. Nephtys hombergii Mediomastus fragilis Praunus flexuosus Bathyporeia pilosa Skeneopsis planorbis PHORONIDA sp.
NEMERTEA Lumbrineris gracilis Arenicola marina Apherusa jurinei Gammarus locusta Retusa (Retusa) obtusa CHROMOPHYTA
NEMERTEA sp. Ophryotrocha puerilis Euclymene oerstedii Calliopius laeviusculus Microprotopus maculatus Mytilus edulis Ascophyllum nodosum
ANNELIDA Polydora ciliata Praxillella affinis Perioculodes longimanus Corophium crassicorne Lucinoma borealis CHLOROPHYTA
Eteone longa Pygospio elegans Nicomache lumbricalis Hyale prevostii Corophium volutator Mysella bidentata Enteromorpha sp.
Anaitides maculata Spio filicornis Travisia forbesii Urothoe elegans Idotea granulosa Spisula solida
Glycera tridactyla Spiophanes bombyx Lanice conchilega Harpinia antennaria Iphinoe trispinosa Tellinidae sp.
Goniada maculata Magelona mirabilis Fabricia sabella Dexamine thea Philoceras trispinosus Macoma balthica
Exogone hebes Cirratulus cirratus OLIGOCHAETA sp. Ampelisca brevicornis Carcinus maenas Scrobicularia plana
Hediste diversicolor Cirriformia tentaculata CRUSTACEA Ampelisca typica MOLLUSCA Venus casina

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