Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Red Bay, NE Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19850402/21 Date: 1985-04-02 GPS: 55.06100,-6.05183. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The transect site is about 100m south of the car park at Glenariff, immediately to the south of a rock outcrop. The transect stretched over the foreshore in front of a dune slack leading to a caravan site. The upper strand line was taken at high tide level. The sand on the lower shore was fine becoming coarser higher up the intertidal. Interstitial salinity at the two highest levels was measured as 32-34 parts per thousand. The sand contained numbers of small pebbles at all levels. The lower shore sediment contained a Tellina community, including Macomangulus tenuis (originally recorded as Tellina tenuis) and Donax vittatus, while amphipods became more prevalent towards the upper shore. Arenicola casts reached their maximum density on the mid - lower shore (12-15/ sq.m.).

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Species list (19 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Hediste diversicolor Spio filicornis Pontocrates arenarius Eurydice pulchra Donax vittatus Enteromorpha sp.
NEMERTEA sp. Nephtys caeca Capitella capitata Urothoe brevicornis Cumopsis goodsiri CHROMOPHYTA
ANNELIDA Nephtys hombergii Arenicola marina Bathyporeia pelagica Carcinus maenas Fucus ceranoides
Eteone longa Scolelepis (Scolelepis) mesnili CRUSTACEA Haustorius arenarius MOLLUSCA CHLOROPHYTA

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