Earth Science Conservation Review

Summary Full report
Dungoran - site of local interestTyrone
Site Type: Inland exposure
Site Status: local interest
Council area: Omagh District Council
Grid Reference: H403565,H445595
Google maps: 54.45586,-7.37863
Rock Age: Quaternary
Rock Type: Diamict, Gravel, Sand
Other interest: Subaqueous outwash, esker, kame terrace, outwash, subglacial sediment, glacial


This area extends for 5.5km from Crockroe [H403 565] to Syonfin [H445 595] and is characterised by undulatory sand and gravel ridges, generally aligned northeast-southwest. The sand and gravel limit is sharply disposed against the bedrock of the Fintona Hills to the south. Elsewhere in this area, ridges are more sharply defined, bifurcated and associated with enclosed depressions. There are two main exposures:

1. Crockroe - this exposure, 12m long and<3m high, shows a stacked succession of gravely facies with occasional sandy interbeds. Gravel beds are massive to normally-graded, are both clast- and matrix-supported, and are often separated by erosional contacts. Thicker beds are generally clast-supported and composed of poorly-sorted subrounded cobbles and boulders. These clasts often show a (p) imbrication parallel to the ridge long axis, and vertical stacking.

2. Syonfin - a 50m long,<11m high exposure of interbedded sand and gravel units (20-60cm thick) with discontinuous (up to 6m), well-sorted sandy interbeds (10-30cm thick). These sediments are overlain by a thin (1-2m) diamict carapace. Gravel beds are generally tabular, massive or cross-bedded, and often channelised and interbedded with sandy drapes, stringers and minor faults. Sand beds are generally massive to well-laminated, well-sorted and often overlain by discontinuous clay drapes. Major sand and gravel facies are usually separated by sharp erosional surfaces.

 Enlander, I., Dempster, M. & Doughty, P., 2025. Dungoran - site of local interest, County Tyrone, site summary. [In] Earth Science Conservation Review. Accessed on 2025-02-19

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