Site List

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Site name [A-Z]Subject block [A-Z]County [A-Z]Period [A-Z]
Ballycastle Pellet Chalk PALAEONTOLOGICAL REVIEW Antrim Cretaceous
Murlough Bay PALAEONTOLOGICAL REVIEW Antrim Cretaceous
White Rocks - Cretaceous CRETACEOUS Antrim Cretaceous
Dunnaglea-Larry Bane Bay CRETACEOUS Antrim Cretaceous
Port Calliagh-Ballycastle CRETACEOUS Antrim Cretaceous
Capecastle Quarry CRETACEOUS Antrim Cretaceous
Garron Point-Cloghastucan CRETACEOUS Antrim Cretaceous
Glenarm Quarry CRETACEOUS Antrim Cretaceous
Creggan Quarry CRETACEOUS Antrim Cretaceous
White Head CRETACEOUS Antrim Cretaceous
Kilcoan, Island Magee CRETACEOUS Antrim Cretaceous
The Cretaceous System in N. Ireland - Introduction CRETACEOUS Antrim, Down, Londonderry, Tyrone Cretaceous
Clarehill Quarry CRETACEOUS Down Cretaceous
Tircrevan Burn - Palaeontology PALAEONTOLOGICAL REVIEW Londonderry Cretaceous