Ladybird Survey

Important: if you use this site regularly, please remember to login.

This will give you access to the My Records report which allows you to manage your data.


Use this page to enter records of ladybirds for a single location. To find out more about Ladybirds see the Ladybirds of Ireland website.


There is a new Harlequin Ladybird ID sheet available for download to help with identification of this invasive species.


Please tick all the species you saw and any other information about them.

Please note: if you have had an expert confirm the identification of a record please add their name in the 'Determiner' field. This will help when the record is being verified.

Step 1
{content} Select a species first
SpeciesPresentAbundanceDeterminerCertaintyCommentAdd photos
10-spot Ladybird - Adalia decempunctata Add images
11-spot Ladybird - Coccinella undecimpunctata Add images
12-spot Ladybird - Vibidia duodecimguttata Add images
14-spot Ladybird - Propylea quattuordecimpunctata Add images
18-spot Ladybird - Myrrha octodecimguttata Add images
19-Spot Ladybird - Anisosticta novemdecimpunctata Add images
22-spot Ladybird - Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata Add images
24-spot Ladybird - Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata Add images
2-spot Ladybird - Adalia bipunctata Add images
7-spot Ladybird - Coccinella septempunctata Add images
Cream-spot Ladybird - Calvia quattuordecimguttata Add images
Eyed Ladybird - Anatis ocellata Add images
Heather Ladybird - Chilocorus bipustulatus Add images
Hieroglyphic Ladybird - Coccinella hieroglyphica Add images
Larch Ladybird - Aphidecta obliterata Add images
Orange Ladybird - Halyzia sedecimguttata Add images
Seven-Spot Ladybird - Coccinella septempunctata Add images
Striped Ladybird - Myzia oblongoguttata Add images
Ten-Spot Ladybird - Adalia decempunctata Add images
Two-Spot Ladybird - Adalia bipunctata Add images
Water Ladybird - Anisosticta novemdecimpunctata Add images


Your details (please note: this information will be used for record verification purposes only by NIEA and CEDaR staff).
Your contact details
Any additional recorder(s) names.
Date of your sighting.
Please provide the spatial reference and site name for the record.

By clicking on the map the spatial reference will autofill. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the grid reference.


For example the nearest town, village, park, nature reserve etc.
Do not enter a postal address as the information you provide will be visible to others.

Notes about using the map:
  • use the + sign on the right hand side of the map to change the base mapping used from Google to OpenStreetMap.
  • To create an accurate and useful record, use your mouse to drag the area of interest to the centre of the map window and use the zoombar on the left hand side to zoom in tight to the area where you made the sighting. When you have zoomed in, click on the location - this will autofill the Spatial Reference box above.