Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Place name : East of East Maiden, The Maidens. County : Antrim

Date : 2024-07-30 GPS : 54.92890,-5.72583. Depth : -15.0 to -30.0 m. [ View map ]

Site Description : Mixed faunal turf communities.

Stable boulders embedded in coarse shell gravel, with abundant cup corals and diverse hydroids in area with strong tidal streams. Devonshire cup corals Caryophyllia smithii [00:00:45]; Antenna hydroid Nemertesia antennina [00:01:13]; Yellow slime sponge Myxilla incrustans [00:01:23]; Branched sponge and brown hydroid Stelligera stuposa and Diphasia alata [00:01:36]; Elephant hide sponge Pachymatisma johnstonia [00:01:44]; Finger bryozoan Alcyonidium diaphanum [00:01:53]; Thin horn wrack Securiflustra securifrons [00:02:20]; White hydroid Diphasia fallax [00:02:43]; Brown hydroid Diphasia alata[00:03:12]; Oaten pipes hydroid Tubularia indivisa [00:04:23]; Cuckoo wrasse female and male Labrus mixtus [00:04:29]; Red seaweeds including Sea beech, Delesseria sanguinea [00:05:23]; Calcareous sponge Leucosolenia botryoides [00:05:38]; Striped flatworm Prostheceraeus vittatus [00:06:00]; Forest kelp Laminaria hyperborea with stipe covered with Oaten pipes hydroid Tubularia indivisa [00:06:15]; Elegant anemone Cylista elegans [00:07:25].

Biotope 1 : Mixed faunal turf communities

Biotope 2 : Laminaria hyperborea park with dense foliose red seaweeds on exposed lower infralittoral rock. IR.HIR.KFaR.LhypR.Pk