Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Place name : Skernaghan Point, East of Larne. County : Antrim

Date : 2024-08-31 GPS : 54.86155,-5.76267. Depth : -15.0 to -25.0 m. [ View map ]

Site Description : Seabed of gravel and stones, scallops common. Bedrock closer to shore at end of transect.

Reticulated dragonet Callionymus reticulatus [00:00:32]; Red seaweed Acrosorium venulosum [00:00:55]; Black brittlestar Ophiocomina nigra [00:01:14]; Horn wrack bryozoan Flustra foliacea [00:01:31]; King scallop Pecten maximus [00:01:40]; Nudibranch Eubranchus tricolor [00:01:50]; Fluffy bryozoan Vesicularia spinosa and thin branching bryozoan Cellaria fistulosa [00:02:11]; Yellow bryozoan Eucratea loricata [00:02:20]; Burrowing sea cucumber Neopentadactyla mixta [00:02:32]; Yellow hydroid Antenella secundaria [00:02:50]; Nudibranch Eubranchus tricolor [00:03:14]; King scallop Pecten maximus [00:03:27]; Pink sea squirt Ascidia virginea [00:04:38]; Goosefoot starfish Anseropoda placenta and Long-spined Sea Scorpion Taurulus bubalis [00:04:46]; Yellow bryozoan Securiflustra securifrons [00:05:14]; Common sunstar Crossaster papposus [00:05:24]; Nudibranchs Crimora papillata feeding on Securiflustra securifrons [00:06:10]; Invasive Leathery sea squirt Styela clava [00:07:41]; Branching hydroid Nemertesia ramosa [00:09:01]; Red seaweed Acrosorium venulosum [00:09:33]; Orange encrusting bryozoan Parasmittina trispinosa [00:09:46]; Spiny starfish Marthasterias glacialis [00:10:16]; Leopard-spotted goby Thorogobius ephippiatus and Long-clawed squat lobster Munida rugosa [00:10:26]; Common lobster Homarus gammarus [00:10:54]; Common lobster walking on the seabed [00:11:54].

Biotope 1 : Boulders and cobbles on shelly gravel, with branching bryozoans & Acrosorium venulosum