Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Place name : Damicornis Bay, Rathlin Island. County : Antrim

Date : 2024-06-24 GPS : 55.29130,-6.25200. Depth : -20.0 to -35.0 m. [ View map ]

Site Description : Upper circalittoral bedrock and boulders.

Nudibranch Lomanotus genei [00:00:24]; Boulder with hydroids Nemertesia and Halecium and cup corals [00:00:52]; Boulder with hydroid Diphasia margareta [00:01:11]; Football sea squirt Diazona violacea and sponge Axinella infundibuliformis [00:01:23]; Nudibranch Violet sea slug Edmundsella pedata [00:02:38]; Red seaweed Drachiella heterocarpa [00:03:01]; Diver taking pictures underwater [00:03:21]; Boulder with hydroids Nemertesia, Aglaophenia and Halecium and cup corals [00:03:39]; Boulders with red sea squirt Ascidia mentula [00:04:10] and sponge Haliclona urceolus [00:04:51]; Twin fan worm Bispira volutacornis, cup corals and sponge Axinella infundibuliformis [00:05:38]; Crumpled duster sponge 'Axinella' damicornis [00:06:19]; Football sea squirt Diazona violacea [00:06:28]; Boulders with A. damicornis and cup corals [00:07:12]; Long-spined sea scorpion Taurulus bubalis [00:07:44]; Kelp forest; Sugar kelp Saccharina latissima with foliose red seaweeds [00:08:33]