Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Place name : Wreck of Empire Tana, Lee's wreck, Ballyhenry Point, Strangford Lough. County : Down

Date : 2024-06-01 GPS : 54.38913,-5.57299. Depth : -6.0 to -12.0 m. [ View map ]

Site Description : Mixed seabed of stones, boulders and gravel, sheltered with strong tidal streams.

Red seaweed (Heterosiphonia plumosa), [00:00:34], Yellow boring sponge (Cliona celata), [00:01:10], Common sea urchin (Echinus esculentus), [00:01:27], Hydroid (Sertularia argentea), [00:01:45], Antenna hydroid (Nemertesia antennina), [00:01:59], Soft coral - dead man's fingers (Alcyonium digitatum), [00:03:39], Branched antenna hydroid (Nemertesia ramosa), [00:05:58], Encrusting red sponge (Clathria (Microciona) atrasanguinea), [00:06:19], Bloody henry starfish (Henricia oculata), [00:06:45], Lightbulb sea squirt (Clavelina lepadiformis), [00:06:57], Hydroid (Coryne eximia), [00:06:24], Bryozoan (Bugulina flabellata), [00:06:34], Goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris), [00:07:59], Common starfish (Asterias rubens), [00:09:27], Oaten pipe hydroids (Tubularia indivisa), [00:09:57], Nudibranch and spawn (Rostanga rubra), [00:10:14], Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta), [00:10:45], Plumose anemone (Metridium senile), [00:11:59].