Place name : Church Bay, Rathlin Island. County : Antrim
Date : 2024-10-16 GPS : 55.29360,-6.23497. Depth : -15.0 to -30.0 m. [ View map ]
Site Description : Seabed of fine sand with stones, boulders and shell. Moderate current and burrowing anemones, occasional red band fish.
Serpent brittlestar
Ophiura ophiura [
00:00:40]; King scallop
Pecten maximus [
00:00:47]; Tassel weed
Carpomitra costata [
00:00:55]; Scina's weed
Scinaia furcellata [
00:01:03]; Imperial anemone
Capnea sanguinea [
00:01:24]; Sea pen
Virgularia mirabilis [
00:01:29]; Anemone
Hormathia coronata [
00:01:38]; Burrowing anemone
Arachnanthus sarsi [
00:01:42]; Rare anemone
Halcampoides sp. [
00:02:45]; Clock face anemone
Peachia cylindrica [
00:02:54]; Prideaux's hermit crab
Pagurus prideaux and cloak anemone
Calliactis palliata [
00:03:05]; Nudibranch
Tritonia hombergii [
Inachus phalangium on scallop[
00:03:31]; Free-living cup coral
Caryophyllia smithii [
00:03:39]; Hermit crab [
00:03:49]; Long-spined sea scorpion
Taurulus bubalis [
Biotope 1 : Moderate current, poorly sorted sand, shell, stones and burrowing anemones; with occasional cobbles and boulders