Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Place name : S. S. Lochgarry, Rathlin Island. County : Antrim

Date : 2024-09-28 GPS : 55.26583,-6.17370. Depth : -25.0 to -33.0 m. [ View map ]

Site Description : Wreck on seabed at 32 m in strong tidal streams. Surrounding seabed of boulders on coarse gravel.

Cobbles on gravel seabed with cup sponges Axinella infundibuliformis [00:00:28]; branching sponge Raspailia hispida [00:00:41]; Hedgehog sponge Polymastia boletiformis [00:01:00]; brown cluster anemones Epizoanthus couchii [00:01:22]; Football ascidian Diazona violacea [00:01:30]; hydroids Polyplumaria flabellata and Diphasia alata [00:01:58]; red seaweed Cryptopleura ramosa [00:02:29]; didemnid sea squirt Lissoclinum weigeli [00:02:38]; yellow didemnid sea squirt [00:02:46]; Devonshire cup corals Caryophyllia smithii with parasitic barnacle Adna anglica [00:03:02]; Pollack Pollachius pollachius [00:03:24]; Soft coral Alcyonium digitatum [00:03:32]; abundant Devonshire cup corals Caryophyllia smithii on hull of wreck [00:00:28]; Crawfish Palinurus elephas [00:03:55].