Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Port Moon, North Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19840628/21 Date: 1984-06-28 GPS: 55.24600,-6.45900. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The steep rock site is situated at the back of a narrow channel between limestone cliffs on the mainland and cliffs of a large outcrop. They are connected at the middle by boulders which tend to get covered at extreme spring tides. The other end of the channel is relatively sheltered and is used as a natural harbour to land salmon. Wave cut platforms occur at the base of the cliffs, and appear to have a greater species diversity and abundances than the transect site, which is situated on the steep rock and more exposed. The site has small crevices as its only sub habitat, whereas the wave cut platforms and boulders form more. Only three zones were surveyed, as the fourth and lowest was defined as below the Xanthoria belt which extended up most of the cliff. The lower zones tended to be extended on the platforms with more red algae becoming apparent i.e. Gigartina, Porphyra. The limited algal abundance and diversity may be due to limited illumination due to the enclosed nature of the site, between cliffs. The location is important for sea birds nesting on the cliffs.

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Species list (74 species recorded)

PORIFERA Gammarellus angulosus Onoba (Onoba) semicostata Acrochaetium secundata Lomentaria clavellosa Ectocarpus fasciculatus Blidingia minima
Myxilla incrustans Hyale prevostii Nucella lapillus Hildenbrandia rubra Rhodymenia pseudopalmata Hincksia hincksiae Enteromorpha sp.
CNIDARIA Hyale pontica Mytilus edulis Corallina officinalis Callithamnion tetragonum Ralfsia sp. Enteromorpha compressa
Dynamena pumila Jaera albifrons Turtonia minuta Leptophytum sp. Ceramium sp. Leathesia difformis Enteromorpha intestinalis
ANNELIDA Tanais dulongii BRYOZOA Lithophyllum incrustans Ceramium shuttleworthianum Alaria esculenta Enteromorpha linza
Fabricia sabella Carcinus maenas Crisia denticulata Lithothamnion glaciale Cryptopleura ramosa Laminaria digitata Enteromorpha prolifera
OLIGOCHAETA sp. MOLLUSCA Membranipora membranacea Melobesia membranacea Odonthalia dentata Laminaria saccharina Ulva fasciata
CRUSTACEA Testudinalia testudinalis Electra pilosa Phymatolithon lenormandii Osmundea pinnatifida Fucus serratus Chaetomorpha linum
Chthamalus montagui Patella (Patella) vulgata Celleporina hassallii Titanoderma pustulatum Polysiphonia atlantica Fucus spiralis Cladophora rupestris
Chthamalus stellatus Patella pellucida RHODOPHYTA Mastocarpus stellatus Polysiphonia stricta Pelvetia canaliculata Cladophora sericea
Semibalanus balanoides Littorina (Neritrema) neglecta Erythrocladia irregularis Plocamium cartilagineum Rhodomela confervoides Himanthalia elongata Rhizoclonium riparium
Calliopius laeviusculus Melarhaphe neritoides Porphyra insolita Lomentaria articulata CHROMOPHYTA CHLOROPHYTA

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