Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Carnlough Bay, NE Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19850702/21 Date: 1985-07-02 GPS: 54.98200,-5.98400. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The transect site is composed of a sandy shore backed by a man-made sea wall, the lower part of which is covered at low tide. To the north of the site is a freshwater inflow through a wide pipe in the sea wall. The freshwater spreads out along the shore top into the top of the transect site and, northwards, along a boulder outcrop on the upper shore. The approximate high water level was taken as being 50 cm below the upper limit of green algae on the sea wall. This being the case, the wall accounted for most of the vertical intertidal height, with the sandy beach accounting for only the lower 1/3 of the intertidal. The wall itself has four steps at the base. The lower step was clear of algae. The next two steps were covered by Fucus vesiculosus, and the upper step and wall immediately above by Ulva intestinalis (originally recorded as Enteromorpha intestinalis).

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Species list (26 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Malacoceros fuliginosus Arenicola marina Cumopsis goodsiri Porphyra leucosticta CHLOROPHYTA Ulva fasciata
NEMERTEA sp. Scolelepis (Scolelepis) mesnili CRUSTACEA MOLLUSCA CHROMOPHYTA Blidingia minima Chaetomorpha sp.
ANNELIDA Spio filicornis Semibalanus balanoides Littorina (Neritrema) neglecta Elachista fucicola Enteromorpha sp. Rhizoclonium riparium
Hediste diversicolor Capitella sp. Bathyporeia pelagica RHODOPHYTA Fucus spiralis Enteromorpha compressa
Paraonis fulgens Capitomastus minimus Gammarus locusta Porphyra insolita Fucus vesiculosus Enteromorpha intestinalis

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