Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Greencastle, Carlingford Lough.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19861003/21 Date: 1986-10-03 GPS: 54.04083,-6.11083. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: A sheltered gently sloping sandy shore situated on the eastern side of Mill Bay. The sand surface has extensive areas of boulders which are fucoid dominated together with Pylaiella (originally recorded as Pilayella) and some Ulva (originally recorded as Enteromorpha). Fucoid covered rock outcrops are present, and are rich in plant and animal species. These outcrops have a gravel and coarse sediment associated with them. The top of the shore has a pebble slope which has a patchy Fucus spiralis zone. This appears to be used as a trackway for heavy vehicles. The shore backing is a drystone wall with farmland behind. This habitat type occurs to the head of Mill Bay, which is saltmarsh. The transect is of coarse sand in the lower shore which contains many Lanice. This is on a gravelly channel at LW from the head of Mill Bay, some freshwater influence may occur although salinity appears to be normal. The middle shore has fine and medium sand containing many Arenicola. Boulders occurring in a depression adjacent to the transect are Fucus vesiculosus and Pylaiella (originally recorded as Pilayella) dominated. A tidal channel with gravelly bottom becomes a large deep pool at low water, and contains mainly algae and fish species. There is a boat house and jetty with permanently stationed buoy boat near the transect. Some run off at the top of the shore appears to have a high organic content. Two concrete vessels are submerged in the sand near the top of the transect, their use is not obvious although many Crassostrea shells are present.

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Species list (35 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Mysta picta Aricidea (Aricidea) minuta Capitella capitata CRUSTACEA Corophium arenarium CHROMOPHYTA
NEMERTEA sp. Anaitides maculata Polydora quadrilobata Notomastus latericeus Praunus sp. Crangon crangon Pylaiella littoralis
NEMATODA Exogone hebes Pygospio elegans Arenicola marina Urothoe elegans Carcinus maenas Fucus spiralis
NEMATODA sp. Nephtys caeca Spio filicornis Nicomache lumbricalis Ampelisca brevicornis MOLLUSCA Fucus vesiculosus
ANNELIDA Nephtys cirrosa Magelona mirabilis Lanice conchilega Bathyporeia pelagica Cerastoderma edule CHLOROPHYTA
Eteone sp. Nephtys hombergii Chaetozone setosa OLIGOCHAETA sp. Bathyporeia pilosa Macoma balthica Enteromorpha sp.

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