Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Culloden Hotel, Belfast Lough.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19860527/21 Date: 1986-05-27 GPS: 54.65683,-5.81100. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The supralittoral is composed of coarse shell gravel, pebbles and scattered small boulders. It is more steeply shelving than the intertidal. The water at this site is very turbid. It is possible that the mussel bed stretches out into mud below low water. There is a narrow intertidal composed of low sandstone ridges sticking up through a layer of pebbles and shell gravel, with some boulders and patches of sand. There are several pools. There is considerable freshwater seepage on the upper shore, which is dominated by Ulva intestinalis (originally recorded as Enteromorpha intestinalis) and Littorina littorea. The mid and lower shores have a dense coverage of barnacles with increasing numbers of Mytilus from mid to lower shore. The lower shore itself is dominated by a mussel bed. Major algae: Fucus spiralis on the mid shore and Mastocarpus stellatus on the lower. The coastal backing is expensive houses. To the east of the transect site, rock outcrops become more prevalent.

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Species list (52 species recorded)

CNIDARIA Fabricia sabella Jaera albifrons Littorina (Neritrema) neglecta Mastocarpus stellatus CHLOROPHYTA Enteromorpha intestinalis
Dynamena pumila Pomatoceros triqueter Idotea granulosa Littorina (Neritrema) obtusata Gracilaria gracilis Monostroma grevillei Enteromorpha prolifera
Actinia equina OLIGOCHAETA sp. Pagurus bernhardus Mytilus edulis Ceramium sp. Monostroma oxyspermum Ulva fasciata
ANNELIDA CRUSTACEA Carcinus maenas Cerastoderma edule CHROMOPHYTA Ulothrix flacca Cladophora rupestris
Malacoceros fuliginosus Semibalanus balanoides MOLLUSCA RHODOPHYTA Elachista fucicola Ulothrix speciosa Cladophora sericea
Polydora ciliata Apherusa jurinei Testudinalia testudinalis Porphyra insolita Petalonia fascia Urospora penicilliformis
Cirratulus cirratus Hyale prevostii Patella (Patella) vulgata Porphyra leucosticta Ralfsia sp. Entocladia viridis
Capitellidae sp. Gammarus locusta Littorina (Littorina) littorea Hildenbrandia rubra Cladostephus spongiosus Blidingia minima
Lanice conchilega Gammarus salinus Littorina (Neritrema) mariae Dumontia contorta Fucus spiralis Enteromorpha sp.

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