Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

The Dorn, Strangford Lough.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19870503/21 Date: 1987-05-03 GPS: 54.43383,-5.54600. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: (See 555 118). Sedimentary site of five random box quadrats dug near to the downstream edge of the sill in the influence of the rapids. The sediment consisted of muddy gravel with small stones on the surface. The latter were covered with encrusting corallines. The dominant community seemed to be Venerupis and the sipunculid Golfingia vulgaris and associated animals Kurtiella bidentata (originally recorded as Mysella bidentata) and Loxosomella phascolosomata. Many cirratulids occurred in the sediment as well. The community described is unusual for N. Ireland, indeed unique as far as the sites surveyed during this survey are concerned.

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Species list (43 species recorded)

CNIDARIA ANNELIDA Odontosyllis ctenostoma OLIGOCHAETA sp. Bathyporeia pilosa Callochiton septemvalvis Amphipholis squamata
Actinia equina Harmothoe imbricata Aphelochaeta marioni CHELICERATA Cheirocratus sundevallii Acanthochitona crinita Ocnus planci
Edwardsia sp. Pholoe inornata Cirriformia tentaculata Achelia echinata Corophium sextonae Testudinalia testudinalis Leptosynapta inhaerens
ENTOPROCTA Sthenelais boa Capitella sp. CRUSTACEA Phtisica marina Lucinoma borealis
Loxosomella phascolosomata Phyllodoce laminosa Notomastus latericeus Apherusa jurinei Janira maculosa Mysella bidentata
SIPUNCULA Glycera tridactyla Arenicola marina Lysianassa ceratina Apseudes talpa Venerupis corrugata
Golfingia (Golfingia) vulgaris Sphaerodorum gracilis Scalibregma inflatum Tryphosella sarsi Carcinus maenas ECHINODERMATA
Nephasoma (Nephasoma) minutum Ehlersia sp. Lanice conchilega Dexamine thea MOLLUSCA Asterina gibbosa

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