Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Dalaradia Point, Larne Lough.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19860906/21 Date: 1986-09-06 GPS: 54.81900,-5.77500. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: A sheltered headland of small and medium boulders and stones within Larne Lough. The upper shore and middle shores have boulders on muddy sand and gravel with barnacle domination and fucoids in the upper shore. The lower shore has stones on mud with the occasional fucoid. Fresh water seeps onto the middle and lower shore and provides a richer sub habitat from several algal species. The water was very turbid due to the muddy shallow bottom. A cement factory occurred nearby. The bay which is adjacent to the headland has a well defined fucoid/Ascophyllum zonation on boulders in the mid and upper shores illustrating a possibility of sand scour or light reduction on the headland. The shore was backed by woodland which extended from the supralittoral illustrating the sheltered nature of the shore, and providing organic leaf litter in the sediment.

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Species list (57 species recorded)

PORIFERA ANNELIDA Hyale prevostii Nucella lapillus RHODOPHYTA Osmundea pinnatifida Fucus vesiculosus
PORIFERA sp. Harmothoe imbricata Gammarus locusta Mytilus edulis Porphyra insolita Polysiphonia lanosa Pelvetia canaliculata
Halichondria panicea Typosyllis hyalina Ligia oceanica BRYOZOA Hildenbrandia rubra Polysiphonia stricta CHLOROPHYTA
Haliclona sp. Polydora ciliata Carcinus maenas Alcyonidium hirsutum Lithophyllum orbiculatum CHROMOPHYTA Entocladia flustrae
CNIDARIA Lanice conchilega MOLLUSCA Flustrellidra hispida Phymatolithon lenormandii Pylaiella littoralis Enteromorpha sp.
Dynamena pumila Spirorbis spirorbis Patella (Patella) vulgata Celleporella hyalina Mastocarpus stellatus Elachista fucicola Enteromorpha intestinalis
Anemonia viridis CRUSTACEA Patella pellucida TUNICATA Ceramium sp. Sphacelaria sp. Enteromorpha prolifera
NEMERTEA Elminius modestus Littorina (Littorina) littorea Botryllus schlosseri Ceramium diaphanum Ascophyllum nodosum Ulva fasciata
NEMERTEA sp. Semibalanus balanoides Littorina (Neritrema) neglecta PISCES Cryptopleura ramosa Fucus serratus Codium atlanticum
Lineus ruber Apherusa jurinei Littorina (Neritrema) obtusata Pholis gunnellus Osmundea hybrida Fucus spiralis

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