Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

The Gobbins, NE Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19870423/21 Date: 1987-04-23 GPS: 54.80100,-5.68900. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The aim of this visit was to characterise a steep rock site at the Gobbins. However, it was difficult to reach the base of the sheer cliffs from the shore, since they fall directly away into deep water. Therefore the steep rock face of a rock outcrop in a small bay immediately to the south of the Gobbins cliff was substituted for the cliff itself. The upper zone was not present on the outcrop , and was taken from the cliff at a point where access was relatively simple, just to the north of the bay. The bay was composed of igneous rock outcrops with boulders on the upper shore. There was a wide rock pool with a good algal diversity in shelter behind the rock outcrops in the bay, which was not sampled on this occasion.

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Species list (86 species recorded)

PORIFERA OLIGOCHAETA sp. Patella (Patella) vulgata Electra pilosa Phymatolithon lenormandii Osmundea hybrida Fucus spiralis
PORIFERA sp. CRUSTACEA Patella pellucida Callopora lineata Titanoderma corallinae Osmundea pinnatifida Himanthalia elongata
Grantia compressa Chthamalus stellatus Lacuna (Lacuna) pallidula Celleporella hyalina Titanoderma pustulatum Polysiphonia stricta CHLOROPHYTA
Halichondria panicea Semibalanus balanoides Littorina (Neritrema) neglecta Phaeostachys spinifera Dumontia contorta CHROMOPHYTA Ulothrix speciosa
Halisarca dujardinii Apherusa jurinei Melarhaphe neritoides Microporella ciliata Mastocarpus stellatus Ectocarpus fasciculatus Urospora penicilliformis
CNIDARIA Hyale prevostii Skeneopsis planorbis Celleporina hassallii Phyllophora pseudoceranoides Feldmannia sp. Blidingia minima
Dynamena pumila Hyale pontica Rissoa interrupta RHODOPHYTA Plocamium cartilagineum Hincksia sp. Enteromorpha sp.
Urticina felina Amphithoe rubricata Nucella lapillus Bangia atropurpurea Lomentaria articulata Chilionema reptans Enteromorpha intestinalis
NEMERTEA Jassa falcata Mytilus edulis Porphyra insolita Rhodymenia pseudopalmata Petalonia fascia Enteromorpha linza
NEMERTEA sp. Idotea granulosa Lasaea adansoni Palmaria palmata Ceramium shuttleworthianum Scytosiphon lomentaria Enteromorpha prolifera
ANNELIDA Idotea pelagica Turtonia minuta Corallina officinalis Plumaria plumosa Alaria esculenta Ulva fasciata
Nereis pelagica Tanais dulongii BRYOZOA Leptophytum sp. Cryptopleura ramosa Laminaria sp. Cladophora rupestris
Capitellidae sp. Carcinus maenas Crisia denticulata Lithophyllum orbiculatum Membranoptera alata Laminaria digitata
Spirorbis spirorbis MOLLUSCA Alcyonidium hirsutum Melobesia membranacea Odonthalia dentata Laminaria hyperborea

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