Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Ballymulholland, Lough Foyle.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19841011/21 Date: 1984-10-11 GPS: 55.15400,-6.96800. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The site is situated on a large expanse of sand with a horizontal intertidal distance of approx. 600 m. It has a relatively steep upper shore which becomes very shallow from approx. 1/3 down the shore (see profile). The bottom 1/3 of the shore is covered with water (1-3 cm deep), and the lower 2/3 have Arenicola casts (2-7/sq.m.) on the surface. The site was approx. 200 m from a fresh water inflow which had a brown tint possibly due to some farm effluent. A large flock of waders, with several species, was seen feeding on the mid and lower shores, and thus this site may be important for wintering birds. The sediment is mainly fine and medium sand with some shell gravel below the surface. On the surface, some Zostera occurs together with filamentous green algae. The strandline, which was well defined though not extensive, consisted of large amounts of Zostera sp., amphipods, and drift shells.

No images for site.

Species list (21 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Hediste diversicolor Pygospio elegans CRUSTACEA Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana Crangon crangon PISCES
NEMERTEA sp. Nephtys hombergii Spio filicornis Neomysis integer Bathyporeia pilosa MOLLUSCA Ammodytes tobianus
ANNELIDA Paraonis fulgens Capitella capitata AMPHIPODA sp. Corophium sp. Cerastoderma edule
Eteone longa Malacoceros fuliginosus Arenicola marina Calliopius laeviusculus Cumopsis goodsiri Macoma balthica

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