Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Reagh Island, Strangford Lough.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19860607/22 Date: 1986-06-07 GPS: 54.51500,-5.63200. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The transect site lies on the south eastern side of Reagh Island. It runs across an upper shore of scattered Ascophyllum and Ulva (originally recorded as Enteromorpha) dominated boulders on pebbles and sandy, muddy gravel. This area is relatively narrow. The wide sedimentary lower shore is composed of muddy sand close inshore, which becomes more and more muddy towards low water, where there are areas of glutinous mud between firmer areas of sandy mud. Scattered Lanice tubes exist on the lower shore. There are about 20 Arenicola casts per sq. metre throughout the intertidal, and large numbers of cockles at all levels. Visually obvious infauna on the sampling date included Mya, Macoma and Nephtys. Patchy algae grew on small stones in the sediment, including brown filaments, Ulva (originally recorded as Enteromorpha), Asperococcus, Chorda, Chordaria, while fucoids, barnacles and limpets lived on isolated boulders embedded in the sandy mud. Zostera grew on the sediment, and was at its greatest abundance between levels 3 and 4. The supralittoral is composed of small stones and boulders lying in gravelly coarse sand. There was standing water on the surface at all 4 bottom levels.

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Species list (53 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Eteone longa Chaetozone setosa Travisia forbesii Apherusa jurinei Hydrobia ulvae Asperococcus sp.
NEMERTEA sp. Mysta picta Flabelligera affinis Scalibregma inflatum Dexamine thea Mytilus edulis Chordaria sp.
NEMATODA Anaitides maculata Capitella sp. Melinna palmata Ampelisca brevicornis Lucinoma borealis Chorda filum
NEMATODA sp. Glycera tridactyla Heteromastus filiformis Lanice conchilega Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana Cerastoderma edule Ascophyllum nodosum
SIPUNCULA Exogone hebes Notomastus latericeus Polycirrus sp. Gammarus locusta Spisula solida CHLOROPHYTA
Nephasoma (Nephasoma) minutum Nephtys hombergii Arenicola marina Fabricia sabella Corophium crassicorne Macoma balthica Enteromorpha sp.
ANNELIDA Polydora ciliata Euclymene oerstedii OLIGOCHAETA sp. Eurydice pulchra Abra alba ANGIOSPERMAE
Pholoe inornata Pygospio elegans Nicomache personata CRUSTACEA Crangon crangon Mya arenaria Zostera marina
Sigalion mathildae Spio filicornis Ophelia rathkei Praunus flexuosus MOLLUSCA CHROMOPHYTA

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