Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Murlough Sands, SE Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19850510/21 Date: 1985-05-10 GPS: 54.22583,-5.85500. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The location is an extensive gently sloping expanse of sand stretching from Newcastle to Dundrum Inner Bay entrance. The beach is backed by shingle behind which are huge sand dunes owned by the National Trust. The sediment varied down the transect being fine and some medium at the bottom, and medium and shelly sand in the mid and upper shore (some coarse occurred in the middle shore). Many valves were washed up on the upper shore. The profile was a gentle slope with very shallow steps, and depressions in which large and often deep (up to 20cm) wet areas exist. This tends to affect the speed at which the tide covers certain areas of the shore. The shelly sand occurs specifically on wave facing steps. The lower shore is flat and had a constantly damp surface with Arenicola casts (1-2 per sq. metre) and Lanice tubes common. The Arenicola also existed in the same density in the damp areas of the mid shore depressions, but tended to avoid more shelly areas. The upper shore was steeper dry sand with shells and shelly sand beneath the surface. The strandline was very patchy with a small amount of drift algae cast up and a few small stones. A collection was made. The water table varied depending on the proximity of the wet areas. The damp sand area in station 4 had a very distinct layer 2-3 cm from the sand surface. The beach was used for recreational purposes and occasionally for galloping horses.

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Species list (26 species recorded)

NEMERTEA Anaitides maculata Spiophanes bombyx Pontocrates altamarinus Eurydice pulchra Carcinus maenas
NEMERTEA sp. Nephtys caeca Magelona mirabilis Pontocrates arenarius Idotea pelagica MOLLUSCA
ANNELIDA Malacoceros fuliginosus Arenicola marina Bathyporeia pelagica Cumopsis goodsiri Polinices pulchellus
Sigalion mathildae Scolelepis (Scolelepis) mesnili Lanice conchilega Haustorius arenarius Crangon crangon Cerastoderma edule
Anaitides groenlandica Spio filicornis CRUSTACEA Gammarus locusta Polybius depurator Donax vittatus

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