Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Dundrum Inner Bay (south), SE Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19870415/21 Date: 1987-04-15 GPS: 54.24783,-5.85700. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: Dundrum Inner Bay (south) differs from the northern part of the bay in two main respects. Firstly there seems to be a more pronounced freshwater influence in the more enclosed southern part of the bay (clumps of Fucus ceranoides grow at high tide level as well as in the river channels in the southern part, whereas it grows only in the channels of the northern bay). Secondly the main substrate is stony, muddy gravel rather than muddy sand. 5 box quadrats were taken at two sites.

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Species list (21 species recorded)

NEMERTEA ANNELIDA Capitella capitata CRUSTACEA Littorina (Littorina) littorea Macoma balthica Fucus ceranoides
NEMERTEA sp. Eteone sp. Arenicola marina Corophium volutator Hydrobia ulvae Scrobicularia plana CHLOROPHYTA
NEMATODA Hediste diversicolor Manayunkia aestuarina Carcinus maenas Mytilus edulis Mya arenaria Enteromorpha sp.
NEMATODA sp. Pygospio elegans OLIGOCHAETA sp. MOLLUSCA Cerastoderma edule CHROMOPHYTA Rhizoclonium sp.

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