Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

Downhill Strand, North Coast.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19840916/21 Date: 1984-09-16 GPS: 55.16800,-6.82500. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: The transect was situated to the west of the area of major shore usage near the bridge. A strandline with an abundance in amphipods occurred at the top of the shore. In general the shore was an exposed high energy beach with no signs of fauna from the surface. The uppermost sand appeared highly mobile and no sulphide layer was seen even on digging to 20cm. A freshwater inflow occurs to the east of the transect which may contain a small amount of sewage from the hotel although no effect of such was apparent. Shore backing is a railway embankment behind which occurs a road and vertical moderately high cliff. Oystercatchers, black-headed gulls were seen feeding and herring gulls and fulmars nesting on the cliffs. The sediment in the transect changed from fine and medium sand in the upper shore to shelly sand at low water, although this was gradual, and the mid shore had a mixture of sediments. The sand in the mid shore appeared firm and well compact enough to be used by cars.

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Species list (52 species recorded)

PORIFERA CRUSTACEA Bathyporeia elegans MOLLUSCA Corallina officinalis CHLOROPHYTA Cladophora albida
Halichondria panicea Chthamalus stellatus Bathyporeia pelagica Patella (Patella) vulgata Mastocarpus stellatus Monostroma grevillei Cladophora rupestris
NEMERTEA Semibalanus balanoides Bathyporeia pilosa Littorina (Neritrema) neglecta Ceramium shuttleworthianum Ulothrix flacca Cladophora sericea
NEMERTEA sp. Balanus crenatus Haustorius arenarius Nucella lapillus Heterosiphonia plumosa Blidingia minima Rhizoclonium riparium
ANNELIDA Gastrosaccus spinifer Parajassa pelagica Mytilus edulis Polysiphonia atlantica Enteromorpha sp. Bryopsis plumosa
Nephtys hombergii Schistomysis ornata Eurydice pulchra RHODOPHYTA CHROMOPHYTA Enteromorpha intestinalis Codium atlanticum
Paraonis fulgens Pontocrates arenarius Idotea granulosa Porphyra insolita Pylaiella littoralis Enteromorpha linza
Aonides oxycephala Hyale prevostii Idotea neglecta Acrochaetium microscopicum Cladostephus spongiosus Enteromorpha prolifera
Scolelepis (Scolelepis) mesnili Hyale pontica Cumopsis fagei Rhodothamniella floridula Sphacelaria radicans Ulva fasciata

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