Marine Biodiversity Data Portal - NI

New Bridge, Lough Foyle.

Survey number: 555 Event number: 19870512/21 Date: 1987-05-12 GPS: 55.02100,-7.29200. Depth: 3.5 to 0.2 m. [ View map ]

Site Description: A very sheltered narrow shore within the Foyle estuary just downstream of the New Bridge. Fucoids dominated low small sandstone ridges with soft silt and small boulders between. All ridges and organisms were covered with silt. A narrow saltmarsh occurred in the upper shore extending from a walled boundary of parkland (private). The estuarine nature of this habitat is illustrated by a zone of Fucus ceranoides in the upper shore. Some areas of flat broken sandstone occur with little algal life growing on it except some patches of Blidingia sp.. Four biological zones were noted. The mud between ridges tended to be only a few cms thick with a shallow sulphide layer. Hediste diversicolor (originally recorded as Nereis diversicolor) ranged from common to abundant. Access may be gained directly to the shore by walking down a patch from a small car park. Fences must be climbed through, but not difficult.

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Species list (40 species recorded)

CNIDARIA CRUSTACEA Skeneopsis planorbis Anguilla anguilla Elachista fucicola Ulothrix speciosa Cladophora sericea
Ectopleura larynx Semibalanus balanoides Hydrobia ulvae RHODOPHYTA Ascophyllum nodosum Urospora penicilliformis Rhizoclonium riparium
NEMERTEA Gammarus duebeni Mytilus edulis Rhodochorton purpureum Fucus ceranoides Blidingia sp.
NEMERTEA sp. Sphaeroma rugicauda Macoma balthica Phymatolithon lenormandii Fucus serratus Blidingia marginata
ANNELIDA Jaera albifrons Mya sp. Mastocarpus stellatus Fucus spiralis Blidingia minima
Hediste diversicolor Carcinus maenas BRYOZOA Aglaothamnion byssoides Fucus vesiculosus Enteromorpha intestinalis
Fabricia sabella MOLLUSCA Electra crustulenta CHROMOPHYTA CHLOROPHYTA Enteromorpha prolifera
OLIGOCHAETA sp. Littorina (Neritrema) neglecta PISCES Pylaiella littoralis Monostroma oxyspermum Cladophora rupestris

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