Survey number: 550 Event number: 19820806/02 Date: 1982-08-06 GPS: 55.22267,-6.61583 [ View map ]
Site Description: Boulder slope with pockets of sand. Layer of loose sand 1/2cm deep over rock surface. A lot of red algae but few animals.
Species list (12 species recorded)
PORIFERA | Nemertesia antennina | Lanice conchilega | BRYOZOA | Asterias rubens | Ophiura ophiura | Polycarpa pomaria |
Suberites ficus | Plumularia setacea | CRUSTACEA | Cellepora pumicosa | Ophiothrix fragilis | Echinocardium cordatum | |
CNIDARIA | ANNELIDA | Pagurus bernhardus | ECHINODERMATA | Ophiura albida | TUNICATA |
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