Earth Science Conservation Review

Summary Full report
Kilrea - site of local interestLondonderry
Site Type: Inland exposure, Pit
Site Status: local interest
Council area: Ballymoney District Council
Grid Reference: C920170,C948037
Google maps: 54.99243,-6.56261
Rock Age: Quaternary
Rock Type: Gravel, Sand
Other interest: Deltaic sediments, Glaciolacustrine deposit, Ice retreat, Subaqueous outwash, delta, esker, proglacial lake, subaqueous fan, rhythmite, deglacial


This deglacial complex is located in a structural low in the Antrim basalts, 15km to the north of Lough Neagh, and bordered 15km to the west by the Sperrin Mountains and 5km to the east by the Long Mountain. The complex is around 16km long and up to 2km wide consisting of ridge segments characterised in places by steep ice-contact slopes interspersed with topographic flats and areas of hummocky topography. The margin of the deposit feathers onto and overlies the streamlined rock ridges and drumlins of the Bann Valley. The complex is subdivided into four principal morphological units from north to south. Centred on Vow [D918 177] is a 2km wide zone of ENE-WSW trending flat-topped ridges of relatively low relief and NNE-SSW trending beaded ridges. West of the Bann from Movanagher to Kilrea is a 3.5km long, 0.5km wide zone of sharp-crested and flat-topped ridges. Immediately south of Kilrea is an area of hummocky ground with interspersed lakes within enclosed depressions in stratified drift. Finally, an approximately 7km long zone of discontinuous steep-sided ridges and mounds of medium relief (20-40m) orientated generally NNE-SSW occurs between Drumimerick Hill [D932 103] and Inishrush [D948 037]. Exposures of the sediments are rare, though a pit at Vow contains lithofacies associations of boulder clay, sand and rhythmites. Rhythmites are also exposed in a pit at Artiloman [D909 168] while at Moneygran [D944 108] there is an exposure of slumped and convoluted horizontally bedded cobble gravels and pebbly sands overlain by cross-bedded sands fining upwards into laminated silts.

 Enlander, I., Dempster, M. & Doughty, P., 2025. Kilrea - site of local interest, County Londonderry, site summary. [In] Earth Science Conservation Review. Accessed on 2025-02-19

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