This site lies immediately adjacent to the main road c.0.5km WSW of Derrynoose village. Little evidence remains of former mining activity (no shafts etc.), however samples of mineralized spoil can be found. A grassed-over, flat-topped ridge extends c.120m from the road (at the site of a former hall - now a lay-by) to the site of a disused concrete ball court. This ridge, which is some 10-20m wide and rising 1-2m above surrounding land surface, appears to be the grassed-over spoil from the former mine. A few cobbles of mineralized spoil were found on both sides of the road near the former hall. These comprise sugary-textured vein quartz containing ferroan sphalerite and galena both in disseminated form and as coarsely crystalline aggregates in the quartz veinrock. Mineralized spoil also forms the ground surface near the ball court.