Earth Science Conservation Review

Summary Full report
Ballyharry - site of local interestDown
Site Type: Railway cutting
Site Status: local interest
Council area: Ards Borough Council
Grid Reference: J501753,J501754
Google maps: 54.60405,-5.67714
Rock Age: Silurian, Ordovician (Ashgill, Caradoc, Lower Silurian)
Rock Name: Strangford Group, Drumhirk Formation, Lessans Formation
Rock Type: Mudstone, Sandstone, Turbidite
Fossil Groups: Graptolite


The rocks exposed at the disused railway cutting at Ballyharry in northeast Newtownards form part of the Upper Ordovician Lessans Formation and the succeeding Lower Silurian Drumhirk Formation of the Strangford Group. Exposure of the Lessans Formation is restricted to isolated inliers which are usually fault-bounded and contain black graptolitic mudstones, grey barren mudstones and siltstones. The formation ranges in age from Llandeilo to Caradoc with the Ballyharry section exposing rocks towards the younger part of this range.

At Ballyharry the Lessans Formation consists of blue-black mudstones, some finely laminated and slaty, overlain by grey, blocky, silty mudstones. The dark mudstones are fossiliferous and during the Geological Survey's resurvey of the area during the 1970's the following graptolite assemblage was collected:

?Arachniograptus sp.

Climacograptid {with basal spines}

Climactograptus cf. tubuliferus Lapworth

Glyptograptus sp.

?Lasiograptus sp.

Leptograptus aff. macer Elles and Wood

Orthograptus amplexicaulis (Hall) cf. abbreviatus Elles and Wood

This fauna indicates an assemblage in the Pleurograptus linearis Zone that spans the Caradoc-Ashgill boundary.

The dark mudstones also contain a thin discontinuous buff coloured claystone probably representing a volcanic ash fall.

These argillaceous beds are succeeded, apparently conformably, by turbidite sandstones which contain mostly acid and intermediate volcanic and plutonic rock fragments together with subordinate basic volcanic and metasedimentary clasts. These turbidite sandstones are included in the Lessans Formation and appear to pass conformably up into the Drumhirk Formation, which is taken here as the base of the Strangford Group.

 Enlander, I., Dempster, M. & Doughty, P., 2025. Ballyharry - site of local interest, County Down, site summary. [In] Earth Science Conservation Review. Accessed on 2025-02-19

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