Earth Science Conservation Review

Summary Full report
Knockinelder Bay and Kearney Point - StructuralDown
Site Type: Foreshore
Site Status: ASSI
Grid Reference: J644511
Google maps: 54.38242,-5.46953
Rock Age: Silurian
Rock Name: Hawick Group, Kearney Siltstone Formation
Rock Type: Greywacke, Shale, Siltstone, Turbidite, Lamprophyre
Other interest: dyke, fold, kink band, cleavage refraction


Knockinelder Bay and Kearney Point are situated on the Irish Sea coast of the Ards Peninsula, about 1km SW of the village of Knockinelder (Fig. 24). Access to Kearney Point is via a lane leading to the shore at the eastern end of Knockinelder Bay. The site contains a number of accessible outcrops of folded turbidite facies rocks (the Kearney Siltstones) which form part of the Hawick Group (Silurian).

The structures seen at this site are characteristic of the Caledonian deformation elsewhere in County Down. The principle structures relate to D1 deformation, which resulted from the NW-directed subduction of the Iapetus Oceanic crust and the formation of an imbricated stack of fault-bounded tectonic blocks. Subsequent deformations were related to final closure of Iapetus and subsequent uplift of the accretionary prism.

 Enlander, I., Dempster, M. & Doughty, P., 2025. Knockinelder Bay and Kearney Point - Structural, County Down, site summary. [In] Earth Science Conservation Review. Accessed on 2025-02-11

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