The solid geology of the Fintona Hills Complex is dominated by Devonian-age ORS and associated conglomerates (Wilson, 1972). Conglomerate beds are generally oriented northeast-southwest and comprise the upland rib of Brougher Mountain (H350528) and the area to the east of Eskragh. Also aligned northeast-southwest are major Caledonian-age faults (Ryan et al., 1995) which split the area into large upland blocks, as around Tattymoyle (H415562). Fault alignment has had a major impact on deglacial history and topography. Tertiary-age dolerite dykes, aligned northwest-southeast (Wilson, 1972), have had very little impact on deglacial history or landscape characteristics. Glacial sediments generally occur below 170m a.s.l., but reach locally 190m in upland bedrock basins (e.g. near Dromore). The Fintona Hills Complex can be split into 5 areas on the basis of landform morphology, sedimentary characteristics and inferred depositional setting. These areas are: (1) Ballinamallard esker, (2) Crockfadda outwash-moraine system, (3) Dungoran kame-esker- outwash system, (4) Dromore outwash-moraine system, and (5) Newtownsaville esker.
For site specific information see the following sites:
Key Site 494 - Fintona Hills Complex - Ballinamallard Esker Key Site 495 - Fintona Hills Complex - Crockfadda outwash-moraine system Key Site 496 - Fintona Hills Complex - Dungoran kame-esker- outwash system Key Site 497 - Fintona Hills Complex - Dromore outwash-moraine system Key Site 498 - Fintona Hills Complex - Newtownsaville Esker