Earth Science Conservation Review

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Murrins Complex - OverviewTyrone
Site Type: Inland exposure
Site Status:
Grid Reference: H612725,H510810,H595828
Google maps: 54.59749,-7.05311
Rock Age: Quaternary
Rock Type: Gravel, Sand
Other interest: Glaciolacustrine deposit, Ice retreat, deltas, esker, kettle-hole, moraine, outwash, rock raft


North to south, the solid geology of this area can be split into three units: the Mullaghcarn unit, the Tyrone Igneous Complex, and the Sixmilecross (H571680) unit. The uplands around Mullaghcarn in the northwest of the study area one composed of Upper Dalradian quartz-mica-schists (Wilson, 1972). This unit is separated from the Tyrone Igneous Complex (TIC) by the northeast-southwest trending Omagh Fault, a major Caledonian lineament (Ryan et al., 1995). The TIC and associated metamorphics (Hartley, 1933) covers the central and northeastern study area. Its southern limit extends from Termon (H625710) to Drumduff (H546703). The TIC is composed of an intrusive suite of Ordovician and Dalradian age metasediments, basic plutonic rocks and granites (Wilson, 1972) and include tuffs, quartz porphyry, diorite, andesite and gneiss (Hartley, 1933). The area around Sixmilecross is composed of Devonian ORS and associated conglomerates (Wilson, 1972). The Sixmilecross/Pomeroy valley south of Carrickmore is dissected by the Tempo-Sixmilecross Fault which trends northeast-southwest. Like the Omagh Fault, this has exerted a strong influence on topography and glacial history.

Glacial sediments in the Murrins complex are found generally below 240m elevation and can be split into 5 morphological regions on the basis of sediment type, morphological expression, deglacial history and association with adjacent sediments. These areas are (1) Glensawisk Burn delta, (2) Cashel outwash, (3) Lough Fingrean frontal moraines, (4) Laght Hill retreat moraines, and (5) Coolesker/Beragh eskers.

For site specific information see the following sites:

Key Site 508 - Murrins Complex - Glensawisk Burn Delta Key Site 509 - Murrins Complex - Cashel Outwash Key Site 510 - Murrins Complex - Lough Fingrean Frontal Moraines Key Site 511 - Murrins Complex - Laght Hill Retreat Moraines Key Site 512 - Murrins Complex - Coolesker/Beragh Eskers

 Enlander, I., Dempster, M. & Doughty, P., 2025. Murrins Complex - Overview, County Tyrone, site summary. [In] Earth Science Conservation Review. Accessed on 2025-02-19

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