Trechus subnotatus Dejean, 1831

Description: A small (4.5-5mm), introduced, ground beetle from the Mediterranean region. Body colour glossy brown with a faint circular white spot near the apex of each elytron.

NI account: Introduced to Britain and Ireland at isolated sites in Yorkshire, Devon and near Dublin (St. Anne's, Clontarf, Dublin - O'Mahony, 1940). More recent records, also for Dublin: Whitewater Brook, Howth Head, 1 female in streamside moss, M. Bryan, 7 June 2013; Oldbawn, Dodder Valley, 2 pitfall-trapped by Nessa Darcy, 6 October 2015.

Ecology: It has been recorded almost exclusively in synanthropic situations.

Distribution: A Mediterranean species which has assumed a Mediterranean-Atlantic distribution (91) through introduction by man to higher latitudes in coastal north and west Europe.

Similar Species: Colour characteristic - white spots on elytra; other spp. of Trechus also lacking the denticulate hind angles of pronotum

Key Identification Features:

  • Sutural stria of elytra recurrent at apex (Fig. 35)
  • Frontal furrows running round to the back of the eyes (Fig. 32)
  • Elytra glabrous
  • Hind angles of pronotum denticulate
  • Elytral striae impressed and punctate
  • Colour brown with pale spot near apex of elytra; iridescent

Distribution Map from NBN: Trechus subnotatus at National Biodiversity Network mapping facility, data for UK.

iNaturalist: Trechus subnotatus at iNaturalist World Species Observations database.

GBIF data for Trechus subnotatus | Classification: Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechus

Thumbnails for genus Trechus

 Anderson, R., 2025. Trechus subnotatus. Dejean, 1831. [In] Ground Beetles of Ireland. Accessed on 2025-01-14.