Trechus quadristriatus (Schrank, 1781)

Description: 3.5-4mm long yellowish-brown ground beetle. Less common than the very similar T. obtusus and absent from wetter, more peaty habitats.

NI account: More sparingly distributed than T. obtusus. Scarce in large areas of the north and west where peaty or less well-drained soils predominate. In Britain, there is a similar easterly and southerly bias to its distribution in comparison with T. obtusus (Luff, 1998).

Ecology: More xerophilous than T. obtusus in Ireland, and the two are rarely recorded together although their ranges overlap widely. Most often recorded from arable farmland and dryish coastal habitats. Found on arable ground across Europe.

Distribution: A European Wide-temperate species (63) with a wider distribution than T. obtusus, extending across Europe from central Fennoscandia to the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and western Turkestan.

Similar Species: Trechus obtusus: wings reduced T. rivularis: size>4mm; base of pronotum straight (Fig. 37)

Key Identification Features:

  • Sutural stria of elytra recurrent at apex (Fig. 35)
  • Frontal furrows running round to the back of the eyes (Fig. 32)
  • Elytra glabrous
  • Base of pronotum oblique laterally (Fig. 36)
  • Elytral striae shallow, almost impunctate
  • Wings full
  • Less than 4mm

Distribution Map from NBN: Trechus quadristriatus at National Biodiversity Network mapping facility, data for UK.

iNaturalist: Trechus quadristriatus at iNaturalist World Species Observations database.

GBIF data for Trechus quadristriatus | Classification: Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechus

Thumbnails for genus Trechus

 Anderson, R., 2024. Trechus quadristriatus. (Schrank, 1781). [In] Ground Beetles of Ireland. Accessed on 2024-12-26.