RHODOPHYTA : Nemaliales : ScinaiaceaeRED ALGAE

Scinaia furcellata (Turner) J.Agardh, 1851

 image: f4085
Scinaia furcellata

Description: Gametangial phase grows from a basal disc to 10 cms. Dull red to brown in colour. Branching dichotomously with a surface of almost colourless cells and clusters of pigmented cells. Tetrasporic phase is filamentous and Audouinella-like.

Habitat: Gametangial phase epilithic from the upper sublittoral to 8 m.

Distribution: Generally distributed around the western coasts of the British Isles including the Shetlands, Isle of Man and Channel Islands, apparently absent from the eastern coasts of England and Scotland. Europe: Mediterranean, Azores, Portugal, Atlantic coasts of Spain and France, southern Norway. Atlantic coasts of North America: Canada and from Massachusetts to Connecticut. Further afield: Canary Islands and Morocco.

Similar Species: Scinaia interrupta (A.P.De Candolle) M.J.Wynne.

Distribution Map from NBN: Scinaia furcellata at National Biodiversity Network mapping facility, data for UK.

iNaturalist: Scinaia furcellata at iNaturalist World Species Observations database.

WoRMS: Scinaia furcellata at World Register of Marine Species. Accepted name: Scinaia furcellata (Turner) J.Agardh, 1851. AphiaID: 145743.

Classification: Biota; Plantae; Biliphyta; Rhodophyta; Eurhodophytina; Florideophyceae; Nemaliophycidae; Nemaliales; Galaxaurineae; Scinaiaceae; Scinaia

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 Morton, O. & Picton, B.E. (2024). Scinaia furcellata. (Turner) J.Agardh, 1851. [In] Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland.
https://www2.habitas.org.uk/marbiop-ni/speciesaccounts.php?item=ZM1840. Accessed on 2025-01-10