Agonum viduum (Panzer, 1796)

Description: 7.5-9.5mm long metallic black ground beetle, living among rich vegetation in lake margins and less acid swamps and marshes. Widespread.

NI account: Widespread and fairly common on richer lakeshores throughout Ireland.

Ecology: Characteristic of muddy or silty lakeshores and riverbanks with rich emergent vegetation.

Distribution: A Eurasian temperate species (75) found across Europe to northern Spain and southern Italy, and east to the River Lena in Siberia.

Similar Species: Agonum afrum: unicolourous black; disk of pronotum duller from stronger microsculpture A. versutum: first antennal segment, tibiae and elytral epipleura dark rufous, not black; meta tarsi with shallow furrows

Key Identification Features:

  • Small, pronotum narrower than elytra, hind angles rounded
  • Legs long and slender
  • Mentum with median tooth (Fig. 103)
  • Claws simple
  • Elytral intervals convex
  • First antennal segment, tibiae and elytral epipleura black
  • Upper surface shiny black with a metallic sheen
  • Meta tarsi with deep furrows forming a central ridge (Fig. 76)
  • Disk of pronotum shiny

Distribution Map from NBN: Agonum viduum at National Biodiversity Network mapping facility, data for UK.

iNaturalist: Agonum viduum at iNaturalist World Species Observations database.

GBIF data for Agonum viduum | Classification: Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Agonum

Thumbnails for genus Agonum

 Anderson, R., 2024. Agonum viduum. (Panzer, 1796). [In] Ground Beetles of Ireland. Accessed on 2024-12-27.